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Junhyuk shoved his paci into his bedside draw slamming it shut and locking it and then proceeded to shove his baby blanket as far under his bed as it could go, he stood for a moment gripping his hair and tearing up before collapsing onto his bed.

He pulled his duvet to his chest and rubbed his eyes harshly, he was stupid! So so stupid! He heard the door to the dorms open and close and the hustle of the members taking of their shoes and coats as Seongjun greeted them,

He knew what would happen now, now that Seongjun knew he would be sure to tell the other members what a freak Junhyuk was, they'd hate him, they'd think he was disgusting, they'd never speak to him ever again off camera, that is, if he wasn't kicked out of the group for being such a wierdo! 

The negative thoughts clouding his mind didn't give him time to breath or rationalise so he forgot the reassuring and kind words Seongjun had given him and the way Seongjun had taken care of him so gently that day.

He tried to steady his breathing and eventually he drifted into fitful sleep.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

"Where's Jun" Minjae asked excited to see their adorable maknae 

Seongjun spared a small glance around the room to check that he'd cleared up all of Junhyuk's items, clearly this was something he was sensitive about so the others shouldn't find out until Junhyuk was comfortable with it.

"Sleeping I think"

"Still??" Minjae looked really disappointed as he'd been hoping to play video games with the younger, instead he scanned the room and then latched onto Huijun and dragged him over to the tv, Huijun complied with out to much of an argument.

Seungmin went over to watch them and cheer them on, Seongjun refused the offer of a controller from Huijun saying he had some work to do, he smiled at the scene before his worries wiped the happiness,

He'd always worried about Junhyuk, he was the maknae and it was a lot of pressure on him to be debuting when he was so young, Junhyuk could be fairly quiet at times and never seemed to go to anyone when he was having trouble, it was always that someone had to go to him an ask him before he opened up about what was going on.

Hopefully he'd open up about whatever this was soon though.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

After an hour an a half there was the noise of a door opening and then slamming shut followed by an 'oh shit!'

Junhyuk opened his eyes slowly, Seungmin gave him an apologetic and sheepish smile,

"Sorry Jun didn't mean to close the door so loud, but I came to wake you up. its almost time for dinner though, did you sleep well?"

Junhyuk eyed him suspiciously before swinging his legs up and of the bed

"You don't hate me?" He croaked out, his throats still a little sore from sobbing though his face had cleared up.

Seungmin face clouded over with confusion "Why would i hate you? Did you have a nightmare or something?"

This reply suprised Junhyuk a little until he realised Seongjun hadn't told them yet, with a heavy heart he came to the revelation that their leader would probably exspose him during dinner, his mind raced looking for an excuse to not come to dinner but all that his brain came out with was feeling sick, which of course was more of a reason to eat.

"Junhyuk" Sungmin called dragging out the 'u' he had crouched next to the younger and was waving his hand in the boys face

"Huh?" Junhyuk snapped back into reality

"You've been spaced out for like the past two minutes, wowie you really must be feeling ill huh.."

"U-uh, I'm fine hyung let's just get to dinner Kay"

Seungmin shrugged unconvinced and patted Junhyuks back before going ahead of him, with a heavy heart he stood up and plodded towards the dinner table.

Nothing happened.

The four boys ate and chattered, telling Seongjun about the fair that they been to and the rides the had ridden, Seongjun listens glad that they boys had fun but still sparing  worrying glances at Junhyuk which did not go unnoticed by the boy who had been giving the same looks back though his were tainted with a bit more anxiety and most of all confusion,

Why hadn't Seongjun said anything yet?

Was he doing this to purposefully mess with Junhyuk?

As the plates began to get cleared away words came that Junhyuk wished he could unhear came,

"Hey Junhyuk can you meet me in my room when you're done eating."

It wasn't a question.

ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ

Kinda filler sorry

And not proofread

I never proofread until after I publish it lol, I'm to lazy

Also I dunno what happened to 'ShOrTeR cHaPtErS' forget that I'll just right as much as feels right, (or as much as I can be bothered)

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