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I was making up the details about their work as I was going along so just go with it okay

"buuuuutt hyungie"

"I know, I know it's hard Junhyuk but you've just got to do it okay."

The said Junhyuk was currently sitting on the edge of his bed swinging his legs and pouting at Minjae and Seongjun who were both refusing to give him attention

In fact he was beginning to feel very neglected indeed, he's woken up feeling small but they had a stage today and after that they were going to have a small fan meet with the fans that came to see the stage.

Seongjun whipped around to grab his accessories from his bedside table and noticed that Junhyuk was on the verge of tears. He realised that maybe ignoring Junhyuk wasn't the best thing to help get him out of his headspace, but the thing was he'd never had to get Junhyuk out of headspace before as Junhyuk was normally quite good at controlling it having trained himself to do it for so many years before when he had to hide it.

Minjae gave Junhyuk a reassuring ruffle of the hair before leaving to wash his face and Seongjun sat down next to Junhyuk pulling him into a hug and soothingly rubbing his hand up and down the youngers back.

"look I know its a bit difficult but if you can just try to get your clothes on I'll be really proud of you, okay?"

Junhyuk pouted up at him with a small whine knowing there was a catch "By myself?"

"Yes Junhyuk, by yourself."

Junhyuk let a low whine form in the back of his throat but he wanted Seongjun to be proud of him so he grabbed a shirt and jeans from his closet and slowly started pulling them up, the task was difficult and required him to think a bit as well as use his body in strange ways but he eventually got them on and once the task was done he had ended up with a weird head.

His mind kept drifting between little and big and it was a very uncomfortable and rather disturbing feeling he wished his mind would just pick one and preferably big because he knew he had important things to do today.

Seongjun who had left whilst he was changing  came back in with a cup of some sort of mystery liquid and handed it to Junhyuk, he wrinkled his face in disgust once the smell hit his nose, he wasn't a fan of coffee.

But he drank it nevertheless, the taste was bitter and mature and as Junhyuk felt the caffeine flood in to his system it shocked him right into his bigger headspace, Seongjun knelt and put his hands up in front of Junhyuk indicating that the later should say his age, 

Junhyuk frowned at the fingers before shoving the drink at Seongjun,

"I'm big hyung, and that drink is gross."

Seongjun chuckled as he stood up and took a sip from it himself "I figured it would help though and it did right."

Junhyuk made a disgusted face before escorting the elder out of the room and into the kitchen area where the others had already sat down to eat.

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