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Guys we reached 1k reads and im going to cry,, tysm~!

anyway back to our usual programme,,


A week had passed and Minjae couldn't lie and say he hadn't noticed the drastic difference in way the members where treating him. Junhyuk was completely avoiding him outside of performances, Huijun and Seungmin acted uncomfortable around him and didn't really make conversation with him unless necessary, and Seongjun, who was definitely the most protective of Junhyuk, was constantly shooting Minjae dirty glares.

The glares got much more intense after one particular incident...

It was an evening after numerous promotions and as soon as the door of the dorm closed behind them Junhyuk slipped straight into his headspace which encouraged Minjae to make a beeline for his room and promptly fall asleep after a shower.

Around an hour later Minjae awoke from his nap sharply, he took a moment to gather his surroundings and realised what had woke him was Junhyuk jumping on Minjae's bed next to him, Junhyuk stopped bouncing and peered down at his hyung before flopping down on him and flinging his arms around his neck

"Minnniiiiiee comeee plaaaaayyyy"

Minjae froze for a moment his brain failing to function before he frantically started pushing Junhyuk of him and eventually succeeded, but when Junhyuk hit the floor with a painful thud he realised what he had done.

He got of the bed and went to give Junhyuk a hand up but he was too late, Junhyuk burst out into tears and Seongjun who had been preparing his snack rushed in with a shocked look.

He kneeled on the floor and brought the little to his chest,

"What happened JunJun? Hmm?"

"Minnie push me od da bed" The younger managed to choke around sobs, Seongjun froze before slowly turning his eyes towards Minjae,

"Minjae pushed you off the bed?" The question was directed towards Junhyuk who nodded in response but you could tell from his tone that it was more like a threat directed towards Minjae

"I-, Hyung-"

"NO! SHUT UP!" Seongjun shouted before picking up Junhyuk and handing him to Huijun who was peering in the doorway and waving them off before shutting the door and turning back to Minjae who gulped.

"I don't why the hell your acting like this but it's disgusting, your acting like filth, Junhyuk has been constantly upset because he thinks you hate him, his regression is supposed to be a happy space for him but YOUR making it unpleasant, heck he's even started regressing less because of you, he thinks he's disgusting and it's YOUR fault, YOU made this mess so apologise and fix it and once you've done that don't you dare touch Junhyuk ever again!"

At this point Minjae was trembling, tears welling up in his eyes threatening to fall over and soak his cheeks, he took in a shaky breath before slowly opening his mouth,

"I can't... I just can't." He replied not having the courage to meet his leaders eyes before rolling into a small ball,

Seongjun stared at the boy in disgust for a few moments more before walking out and slamming the door.

That night Huijun and Seungmin did not return to their beds, Those two, Seongjun and Junhyuk all had a sleepover together and Minjae was left all by himself in his dark, cold and quiet room where the silence was interrupted only by his sobs.


Back to the present and all five boys were walking to dance practice, Huijun and Seungmin were chatting back and forth with the occasional interjection from Seongjun, Junhyuk had his earphones in and was at the front and Minjae was silently tailing the group.

Once they arrived they immediately warmed up and started going over the choreo for spring, about half an hour in to practice and Minjae was already tired, this was unusual, he normally had a really high stamina, so why was he feeling all tired and fuzzy like this?

They started going over the choreo with music and as the reached the first repeat of the chorus Minjae's body felt weak and he was late with a move causing Seungmin to bump into him a nearly trip, Seongjun stopped dancing straight away and went and paused the music although Minjae really wished he hadn't, the lack of music, the silence, was suffocating him.

"You've been dancing lazily this entire time and now your making mistakes as well, pull it together we have a stage tom..." Seongjun began to tick him of as the other members watched in silence but Minjae had zoned out, all he could hear was:

"YOUR making it unpleasant!"

"It's YOUR fault!"

"YOU made this mess!"

Repeating in a cycle until he was crouched on the floor blocking out his ears and trembling








He couldn't take it anymore and began sobbing before lifting his head slightly and screaming

"I'm sorryyy, MiNNiE SORRY!!!!"

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