☁ NINE ☁

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It was Sunday so the boys had a day of, you'd imagine that they'd sleep in till late morning then slowly shuffle around having a lazy day, treating themselves, yaknow.

Wrong. This time it was Seungmin, although he choose a slightly later time in the morning to get everyone up at then Minjae it was still pretty early, 10 AM to be exact, first of all he went to wake Huijun and Minjae who shared a room and requested there help.

The three travelled to the leaders room where, as they were informed by Seungmin, Junhyuk had also slept last night.

Why did all three of them go to wake the other two up you ask?

Junhyuk wasn't too much of an issue, he'd be fairly easy to get up, the issue was Seongjun.

He slept like a dead man, waking him up was torture if you were doing it alone, it would take you at least half an hour just to get him to open his eyes, and so the me!bets had taken to ganging up on him in the mornings in order to get their eldest awake.

Anyway back to the present manner, right now the small army of three were marching towards the end of the corridor, Huijun knocked just to check that they weren't already awake, getting no response he pushed the door open.

If only Seungmin had woken up a bit later, then the two boys might have had a chance.

But sadly it wasn't to be and so there the three boys stood. At the entrance to the room, eyes wide, mouths hanging open.

And why exactly were they shocked? Well I don't really blame them, I mean it's not everyday you see Junhyuk kneeled on a bed cuddling a pink bunny, sucking on a Paci and staring with a mixture of childlike curiosity and fear whilst Seongjun sleeps peacefully beside him.

Of course many questions where racing through the minds of the three at the doorway but all of them were unable to form coherent sentences in that particular moment.

Seungmin finally got his thoughts straightened out, if only a little, and opened his mouth to start talking

"Junhyuk, what th-" but he barely got a chance to speak before the youngest started whimpering and backing up into the wall, his quiet wails rapidly growing in volume until the silent male beside him jolted awake.

As he noticed this, the only thing that MinJae could think was

'At least we didn't have to wake up Seongjun'

The leader groggily rubbed his eyes and then blinked a couple times before quickly assessing the situation, he pulled Junhyuk onto his lap, cuddling the boy tightly into his chest and patting his back softly, the boy in his lap however wasn't having it and began struggling.

You see the shock of being discovered (for the second time) had yanked him right out of headspace and being babied by Seongjun, which he didn't mind no matter what headspace he was in, was provoking a negative reaction.

Seongjun however was not going to let the boy run away, he gently grabbed his wrists to stop him from pushing and the turned to the boys at the door who had just been staring and watching the whole scene with a dumbfounded look on there face,

"We'll talk later."

His tone was firm. It was not a question. Right now he needed to calm Junhyuk down and make sure the boy felt safe and secure.

Once the three had left the eldest turned back to Junhyuk who was no longer struggling but instead accepting the warmth and comfort.

"How are you feeling..?" He tentatively asked, the younger looked down at his fingers, twiddling them slowly.

"I guess it's time to tell them..."



Slightly different writing style for this chapter, I just felt like experimenting a bit

Anyway I hope you enjoyed,

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