32- Trial (Witness 1)

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I walked around the room, checking out my outfit in the mirror every few seconds as I nervously played with my hair. I reminded myself over and over of what I had to say in court today. Words couldn't even begin to describe how nervous I was. I didn't know how to feel, actually. I was dressed up like I knew I had to in order to be taken seriously. Voight had gotten my badge from my old district and told me to wear it on the waistband of my dress pants. I flattened my ponytail for the hundred time this morning as Jay walked out of the bathroom, buttoning up his shirt.

"Leave your hair alone. You look great." He wrapped his arms around me once he was done buttoning his shirt. I rested my head on his chest, sighing loudly. Jay kissed my cheek before looking at me through the mirror. "It'll be fine. Whatever happens, we'll figure it out."

I nodded, "Well, let's go now before I chicken out." Jay laughed at me before putting on his coat and leading me out of his apartment. He drove us to the courthouse and lead my inside once we arrived. His whole team were already there and they all greeted me, Upton offering me a cup of coffee. I thanked her as Jay smiled at her gratefully. We made small talk until my attorney walked up to me and asked me to follow her. I waved the Intelligence team goodbye, telling them I'd see them later.


"In this present case, the offender - Charles Roomey- is innocent until proven guilty for the following charges against defendant- Amelia Davis- : aggravated assault, rape, sexual assault and prostitution. The attorneys now may present their evidence shortly. Offender going first." The judge presented, slamming her gavel down on the table.

"I have nothing to present in advance, your honour." The opposing attorney announced, getting up and then sitting back down.

My attorney then got up as I watched her, "Detective Jay Halstead, Sergeant Hank Voight and Doctor Manning will take the stand for my client. That is all, your honour." She presented, offering the judge a tight smile as she sat back down.

"Thank you both. Would you like to make a statement before we begin?" The judge asked, looking at me briefly before looking at Charles' attorney.

"No, thank you, your honour." The attorney answered, slightly smirking when he glanced at me. I restrained from rolling my eyes, concentrating back on the judge.

"Then you may begin," The judge said, signalling to my attorney to start.

"I call Sergeant Voight to the stand." My attorney called, raising up from her position and standing up straight. Voight got up and walked to the witness stand, straightening up his dress shirt. I shortly glanced behind me at Jay, who offered me an encouraging smile.

"Sergeant Voight, is it true you were made aware of Detective Davis' presence in Charles' house by your detective, Jay Halstead?"

"It is true. Detective Halstead was sent undercover in the gang for a month." Voight answered confidently.

"The goal was to bust him and his gang for drug trafficking, right?" She walked toward the witness stand, without going too close.

"Yes, it was." Voight nodded in affirmation.

"Did you know girls were kept inside the house?"

"I did not."

"Objection! This had nothing to do with the charges against my client."

"Sustained, get to the point." The judge slammed her gavel once again. I was starting to get nervous, I knew judges don't like when you walk around the pot before getting to the point.

"I'm sorry. Sergeant, did your Detective inform you about Detective Davis' well-being during his time there?"

"He did. Every time he reported back to me, Detective Halstead had a new information about her well being."

"What exactly did he tell you?"

"The first time he told me about her, it was to tell me she had found out he was a Detective. He had brought her back to his apartment after she had gotten beaten up by Charles and almost raped."

"When you say almost raped, what do you mean? I need you to be precise Sergeant." My attorney pushed, I breathed in deeply and out deeply. I was getting nervous and I didn't like those things being told by other people.

"Detective Halstead later informed me that when he walked in the kitchen, Charles was on top of Detective Davis and he was pulling down her leggings. My detective stopped him by saying he'd take care of her at his own apartment. Charles gave him two pills saying she was feisty and that he might need them. Halstead proceeded by taking her to his apartment, tending to her injuries before letting her sleep it off. That's when he called me." Voight explained everything he knew and I was sure the same story would have to be told by Jay.

"Thank you, Sergeant Voight. That is all for me." She faced the judge before walking back to her place as I stayed put wondering what she was trying to prove with her questions. They didn't prove anything to me.

The offender's attorney got up and walked towards Voight. "Sergeant Voight, is it true that your Detective didn't know Amelia's true identity up until she left the gang?"

"It is. She told me before she told Detective Halstead." Voight glanced at me quickly before looking back at the attorney. I nervously shook my leg before my attorney pushed her hand down on my knee, stopping me. I knew it didn't look good for me to be nervous.

"So she lied about her identity?" The attorney pushed.

"Technically, yes. But it was for safety reasons."

"What do you mean, safety reasons?" He asked, pushing Voight to give him more details.

"She was put undercover by her team. They weren't able to get her out safely so she got stuck for six months under the gang's wings."

"Is it true that she did drugs, had sex with strangers, drank and pimped out other girls?" He asked, tilting his head to the side as he shortly glanced at me.

"She was forced to by Ch-"

"Is it true, Sergeant?" He rephrased, making it so Voight wouldn't be able to explain himself.

Voight sighed, "It is true."

"Mhm, a detective using drugs and having sex on the job. Interesting."

"Objection! That was not a question." My attorney objected.

"Sustained! Keep your comments to yourself." The judge slammed down the gavel and I held myself back from sighing in relief. Strike one for him too.

"That is all for me. Thank you Sergeant Voight." The attorney walked back to his table, Charles smirking.

Should I make a chapter per witness or all in one?


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