34- Trial (Witness 3&4)

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Jay sat back down behind me as his time at the witness stand finished. I turned around and smiled at him shortly before turning back around before my attorney announced her next witness.

"I call Dr Manning to the witness stand." She said, standing up and waited for Natalie to sit at the witness stand. I was nervous about Natalie being up there, she didn't know much except for my injuries. Plus, she knew it'd be hard- well practically impossible- for me to have children because of what Charles had done to me so she might have to say it. What bothered me the most was that I had not told Jay yet. Would it bother him? Would I lose him over this? I wouldn't be able to get through it if I lost him. I shook my head, concentrating back on Natalie.

"When did you first meet detective Davis, Dr Manning?"

"I first met her when Detective Halstead took her to the hospital after she had been raped by one of Mr Roomey's companions." Dr Manning answered, showing no emotions whatsoever.

"What condition was she in?"

"She was in pain. Two of her ribs were broken, she had ecchymoses all over her body and she was bleeding from her nose and her vagina from forcefully trauma. She didn't seem mentally stable to me or to Dr Charles, who is our psychiatrist."

"Who were those injuries from?"

"I wasn't there when she got them so I can't tell for sure." She responded and I mentally thanked her for saying it like that. If she had said who she presume did it, Charles' attorney could have objected.

"Can you say for sure that at least one of the injuries was from Mr Roomey?"

"Yes, I can." She nodded and I was surprised. How could she prove it?

"Which one, Dr Manning?"

"We made her pass some tests. Semen from Mr Roomey was found in one of them. Plus, we can prove that a tool that belonged to him performed a illegal and unprotected abortion on Detective Davis." Memories of what he had done to me flashing back in my mind. I didn't even dare looking back at Jay or anyone else for that matter.

"She developed a condition from that, didn't she?" My attorney pushed as Natalie shot me a quick glance before nodding.

"Yes, dyspareunia. It was caused by multiple tearing from inside. It'll hurt her for the rest of her life during sexual intercourse." She stopped, like she was hesitating. I knew exactly what was coming and I was silently hoping that she wouldn't bring it up - but she had to. "Plus, she's might never be able to conceive. And that is because of all the trauma her body went through, which I can confirm was caused by the abortion performed by Mr Roomey along with the multiple rape Detective Davis got through."

I felt humiliated, naked even. It wasn't Natalie's fault, she had to say those things. But it was my intimate life that was shared with the whole audience. My mom, Jay, the Intelligence team, Jay's brother and a lot more.

"Thank you, Dr Manning. That is all for me." My attorney sat back down next to me and glanced at me but I completely ignored her. Was it really necessary to make her say all that? Charles' attorney got up and approached the witness stand.

"Dr Manning, when she was treated by you, do you know who had just attacked her?" He wondered.

"Yes, it was Mr Roomey's companion, Trevor, I reckon."

"Was she ever treated immediately after being hurt by Mr Roomey?" He asked, sneakily.

"No. Not that I know of."

"So no records of her being treated for injuries caused by Mr Roomey?" He pushed, but just before Natalie could answer, my attorney got up.

"Objection, the question has already been answered." The judge sustained the objection, so Charles' attorney threw his arms up in the hair and said he was done with this witness. Dr Manning was sent back to her seat and I sighed, running my hand over my face in disbelief.

"Mr Yung, I believe you have a witness." The judge said and all heads turned to him. No one knew he had a witness.

"Yes, I call Detective Andrew Wilson to the witness stand." He announced and my mouth hung open. What? My attorney looked just as surprised as I did as Andrew walked up to the witness stand. I heard a loud and angry sounding sigh coming from behind me and I supposed it either came from Jay or Voight since they were the closest to me. My guess was Voight because I knew he had approached Andrew about this.

"Detective Wilson, you were Detective Davis' partner, right?" He began.

"I was, yes." My old partner nodded.

"When she went undercover, how many times did you try to get her out?"

"Too many to count. She never wanted to come back." Andrew said, shaking his head like he was disappointed or something.

"Why did she refuse to come back?"

It took a while before Andrew answered. Everyone awaited his answer, nervously or impatiently. I felt both. My heartbeat was faster than ever and my palms were sweaty. I didn't know what to expect from him. He wouldn't lie in court, right? I was still stunned that he came to testify in favor of Charles. I coudn't believe he'd go behind my back and do this.

"She liked it there. She made the other girls get out through me but insisted on staying there. She could help them as well as have some fun." He explained and my mouth hung open, once again. So he was lying in court.

"Has she ever mentionned being abused?"

"No, never said a word." He, once again lied. I scoffed, trying to keep it as subtle as I could.

"Did you keep contact with her throughout the six months?" The attorney asked and for some reason I already knew the next answer would be a lie.

"I tried to, we had to keep the investigation going. But after two months she stopped coming to our meetings and stopped giving us news. She even went as far as asking me to change her picture in the system so no one would find her." Andrew stated, lying his ass off as if it was nothing. I didn't even know what to think or do.

"Did she ever mention Mr Roomey?"

"Yes, she said he protected her and that she would do anything for him." Andrew's answer didn't even make any sense. How could that be true when he just said I helped Charles' girls get out?

"That is all for me, thank you Detective Wilson." He went back to his seat when Andrew nodded.

"I don't have any questions for this witness, your honour." My attorney said, making me sigh in relief because at this point anything we would ask would just push us further down.

"I will see you all tomorrow for the testimony of Mr Charles Roomey and Detective Amelia Davis. Thank you." She slammed down the gavel and we all walked out of the court room. Charles was kept inside until I left.

I didn't want to talk to anyone after all of this so I only asked my mom to drive me home and told her I'd call her later. My night consisted of drinking, dodging Jay's calls and wondering how this would all work out for me.

What do you think will happen after the testimonies?


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