a conversation

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"Alright, mum. Take care, I love you".
"I love you too, honey. Say hi to Camila for me".
"Will do, bye".

We hung up and I went back inside the house. I walked to the kitchen and took two cups from the top cabinet. I heard Camila humming a melody while she made her way into the kitchen and sat in front of the island.

"Camomile tea?", I asked while she brushed her wet hair.
"Yes, please", she replied on a high pitch funny voice.

I poured the water on our cups and handed her her tea. She smiled at me and blew me a kiss.

"You look beautiful", I said.
"You look handsome", she flirted back.
I took my seat right next to her after kissing her temple.
"How's your mom?"
"She's ok, she says hi by the way. Everything is fine, they're taking their precautions, obviously".
"This is really scary"
"I know", I said taking a sip from my cup.
"Do you miss them?", she asked.
"Yeah. I'm more used to being away from them than you with your parents though", I remarked. "So, I'm ok so far".
"But this situation is different".
"I know, I'm just trying to stay positive. I'm not letting myself think about them in any negative scenario".

She looked at me for a few seconds and I smiled. I knew she wanted to say more, so I just waited for her to be ready.

"I just... Do you wish you were there instead of here right now?", she let out in one single breathe. "I mean, that's totally fine. I completely understand. I just-"
"I love being here" I said reaching for her hand. "And as much as I love my parents, I rather be with you now".

She kissed my hand that was holding hers.

"I love you", she whispered.
"I love you, baby"
"Isn't it crazy?", she wondered. "Last year we were in complete different places. I mean physically and figuratively. And now the world is under a pandemic and you are here, with me, in my house, social distancing so we can take care of our health and others"
"Pretty crazy", I agreed.
"Thank you for coming to me".
"I told you, there's no place I rather be right now. I always said that if the world was ending, I'd spend it with you. Well, with my family too, but the world isn't actually ending. Or that I hope at least".
"Yeah, I remember", she laughed. "I also said that once. That I would like to kiss the boy that I like", she said as she cupped my cheeks on her hands holding my face to kiss me. "Like this", she said when she pulled away.

She stood up and went to grab something from the fridge. I admired her while she started to prepare a sandwich. I nodded in silence when she turned around to asked me if I wanted one as well.

Crazy was an euphemism. This was insane. I didn't mean the virus. My heart didn't know how to act when she was around. It didn't matter all the months that we'd been together so far, I could never stop feeling like my soul was coming together when she would as much as look at me.

And she was right, last year I was in a very different place. I was starting my world tour in Europe. I had only done a few shows by then and I was feeling a bit anxious about the new stuff. Even when I was more comfortable performing in front of a large audience and I was learning how to let go on stage, I still had some improvements to make along the way. However, nothing prepared me for the way it was going to end.

She was once again humming a melody. Sometimes she would just sing new melodies or lyrics that, if she didn't have her phone around, would later forget and be upset about it. So I made sure to register them in my brain just in case.

"Here", she said placing a plate in front of me with my sandwich.
"Thank you, baby", I kissed her softly when she returned to her seat.

We ate in silent, a very comfortable silent. It was funny to see her eat, because she was so good at it. We both were. Eating was our favorite activity. Well, beside other things.

When we were done, I took our cups and plates and put them on the sink. I'll clean them later. I went back and stood in front of her, she looked at me with her shiny round eyes. I put her hair behind her ear before taking her hand and motioning for her to stand up. When she was on her feet, I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her body to accommodate her on the marble surface next to us. I made place for myself between her legs and slowly came closer to lock our lips. She placed her hands on the back of my neck and massaged my scalp. Her lips were my addiction and her skin was the softest I've ever touched. I closed the space between our bodies and I could feel her chest going up and down with every breath. She grabbed my lower lip in her mouth and hold it there for a few seconds before leaving little pecks on me. I moved one hand up her neck, slightly brushing her jaw with my thumb. She put her legs around my hip and sealed the tiny space that was still keeping us apart.

"Bedroom", she said in between kisses. I grabbed her tiny body and carried her around the house. This quarantine had its perks after all.


Author's note: Hi, this is my very first story I post. I hope you like it, I know it's really simple but I wrote this in under an hour. I'm writing a longer story about these babies, but I wanted to test the water first. Please tell me what you think and vote.
Ps. I've posted more stories now, go check them as well.

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