a race

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"Are you done?", I asked Camila when I saw her leave the house and join me in the backyard while I was playing with Thunder. It was late and dark outside, but still warm.

"I think so", she smiled. "I needed a break".

She has been working on her special project for her fans. She was sad the tour had to be canceled but she completely understood that it was a necessary measure considering the current times. Instead of mouring and being frustrated about it, she focused on trying to bring some of the Romance tour magic to life.

She came closer and pet Thunder on the head while he panted with his tongue falling out of his mouth.

We had been playing with a ball and he had been chasing it and bringing it back to me every time. That was a special thing to me, I'm not gonna lie. I wasn't used to be around dogs due to my alergy but now that that was taken care of, I was enjoying his company so much. And it meant a lot that he liked me as well.

"How are you, my boy?", she asked the dog with a sweet voice.

"I'm very good, thanks", I replied knowing perfectly well that she wasn't talking to me.

She rolled her eyes and put her hand on the back of my neck to pull me in for a kiss.

"Let's go for a swim", I told her running my hand under her top, touching the soft skin of her waist.

"Now?", she asked.

"Yeah..." I kissed her again.

"It's late".


She looked at the dark blue sky with her lips pressed, considering my offer.

"Ok, let me get my bikini".

"Hurry up", I said with a smile.

I took off my tank top and threw it on one of the chairs next to the pool. My Nike short worked just fine for this occassion so I didn't bothered changing them.

I jumped into the water and swam until I got to the other part of the pool. The water washed some of the sweat from playing with Thunder in the humidity of Florida. I was making my way back to the other side when Camila came back outside with a red swimsuit and towels in her hand.

Wow... she was a dream.

"Is it cold?", she asked me. I was still admiring her, and if drops of water weren't falling from my face, she would have noticed I was actually drooling for her.

"No, no", I replied pulling myself together. "Just get in here".

She made her way into the water by going down the stair and slowly moved in front of me. I held her while she surrounded my waist with her legs and wrapped her arms around my neck, like a koala. I moved some strains of her away from her face and kissed her slowly.

She smiled into the kiss and then said, "this is nice".

"You're so pretty", I said still lost in her.

She buried her face in the crook of my neck and laughed. The vibration of her laugh tickled my skin and I held her close while I spinned us.

She incorporated a bit, still in my arms and looked deep into my eyes. With the tips of her finger, she traced my jaw, my cheek bones, my nose, my scar. I closed my eyes taking in her caresses and she kissed both my eyes.

I felt so safe in her arms. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world just by being able to see her and have her close to me. She was everything I had dreamed of and more.

I opened my eyes just to catch her mouth and I savoured her lips.

"I love you so much", she whispered joining our foreheads.

"I know, I love you too".

She left a peck on my lips and then swam away from me. I admired her form the other side while she rested her arms and shoulders on the edge and let her head fall back with a smile on her face.

"It is beautiful here tonight", she said looking at the sky.

"Yes", I agreed going under water and getting up in front of her.

"Let's have a race", Camila shouted with excitement a few minutes later.

"You know you're gonna lose, right?" was the first thing I said to her.

"Yeah, you wish", she snapped back in a exagerated tone. I laughed.

"Alright, let's do it". I said.

"Ok". She moved to the narrower part of the pool and I followed her. "We have go to the end and come back here".

"Do we have to go under water all the time?"

"It doesn't matter. Just make your way back here".

"Go it", I said streching my arms, shoulders and neck.

She looked at me with fake scorn and I couldn't help but laugh loudly. I so adored her dorky and sassy side.

"Show off", she said under her breath.

"Are we going to do this or not?", I complained.

"Of course. Now get ready", she told me.

"Baby, I'm ready".

"At the count of 3. 1..., 2..., 3". I held my breath and went under water with fast strokes.

She was my beautiful, amazing, sweet, caring, wonderful girlfriend but I was a competitive dude and it didn't matter how much I loved her, I was not going to let her win this thing. I made my way to the other end and turned to go back to the finish point. I opened my eyes under water to see her swimming next to me a few feet behind. I put more energy and effort into the race and I finally reach the wall. I stood up gasping for air and running my hands over my face to removed the water. I saw her reflection under the water and then pull out like a siren, so gracefully.

I took her in my arms before she could completely get out and she closed her eyes trying to move her hair out of them.

"I won", I said with a smile.

"I know", she replied unamused when she was done.

We were both breathing heavily in each other's arm.

"What do I get now?", I asked.

"I didn't say anything about a prize". She was a sore loser.

"But I want a prize".

"Well, I don't care". She looked away from me.

"You do care, baby. You're just a bad loser".

"It's not fair when you're so much taller than me", she whined.

"You wanted this race. I told you weren't going to win".

"You're not fun".

"I'm so much fun", I told her, holding her closer and pinning her against the wall.

I took her legs to put them around my waist and she followed my lead. I leaned down my head until I was right next to her ear. "You know I'm the most fun", I whispered and then kissed her neck. She moved her head to one side, giving me total access.

"Maybe I can be your prize", she said seductively.

"The best fucking prize". I looked at her with a smile on my face. She was breathtaking for sure.

"I still think it was unfair, though".

"Well, I don't care", I replied using her words.

"Shut up", she said taking the matter into her own hands and crushing her mouth with mine to keep me quiet. I loved her ways.


a/n: hi, I love how annoying they are with each other. Comment and vote please 🌸

ps. can you recommend me some shawmila fanfics? I'm not reading anything at the moment and I need to :(

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