a sick day

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I was feeling strangely tired this early in the day. I got off of bed against my will and took a shower to wash away the feeling and it didn't do the trick. I've been having a running nose the last couple of days, but I refused to believe I had caught a cold, I was stronger than that. Or maybe I wasn't.

My head was pounding and chills were running down my spine. All I wanted to do was to go back to bed and have Camila touching my hair as I felt asleep.

"You ok, Shawn?" Sinu asked me while we were having breakfast.

"My head hurts", I told her, although I didn't want to worry her or anyone else.

"You're not infected, are you?" Sofi joked dramatically and Ale gave her a disapproving look.

"No, Sof. I'm ok".

"I think you caught a cold. Florida's weather was going to catch you sooner or later",  Ale told me and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, you look kinda sick, baby" Camila said bringing a hand to my cheek.

"I'm ok, it's probably just a cold".

"What do you do when you get sick?", Sinu asked.

"It depends where I am. Last time I was sick I was on tour and it sucked, because I had so much to do, but I couldn't do it and I didn't have anyone with me. My team was with me of course, but I didn't have Camila or my mom". Yeah, I blushed a little when I said that in front on my in-laws.

Camila took my hand and run her thumb over my skin.

"When I'm home, I just stay in bed and rest".

"Well, you're home here as well, so you're going back to bed for the day and I'll prepare something to make you feel better".

I was a bit speechless at first, figuring out if her words were to take seriously or not, but by the look on Ale and Sofi's faces, I should be following Sinu's instructions.

"Uh..." I began to say by my mother in law interrupted me.

"I'm serious, go to bed. I don't want you pushing yourself when you don't feel well. You're family, we'll take care of you".

My chest expanded when I heard that last sentence. I couldn't help but smile.

"C'mon", Camila said offering me her hand to get up and follow her.

I stood up, still tired and a bit dizzy, but so thankful.

Camila arranged the pillows under my head and sat up next to me. She began touching my hair just like I wanted her to, even when I hadn't said a thing to her about it.

"It's probably just a cold", she told me. "You don't have a fever".

"It's nothing serious", I assured her. I knew my body and I was sure this was just a minus thing.

"I'm still gonna take care of you, just like I couldn't when you where in Brazil" she said leaning to kiss me shortly.

"I needed you so much then", I told her closing my eyes and enjoying her caresses.

"I know", she whispered.

I wasn't used to the humidity of this state, and I knew the moment I woke up that falling asleep next to the pool hadn't been a great idea either. I tried to keep myself hydrated, but I hadn't been enough apparently. It was ok, though, I had my girlfriend looking after me and that made me feel like my immune system letting me down wasn't the worst thing to happen.

I opened my eyes minutes later when Sinu came in the room with painkillers and a cup of hot lemonade and other natural herbs.

"Drink this and I'm sure you'll get better", she said.

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