a direwolf

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Camila's POV

"Have you seen Thunder?", I asked mamá when she came inside the house from the backyard.

"No", she answered looking around.

"I can't find him".

"Didn't your dad take him for a walk?", she told me.

"No, papá is playing basketball with Sofi".

"Then I don't know, Camila". She said shaking her head and walking to her room.

I stood up from the chair and walked around the backyard looking for him. It was a hot day and he was probably laying down under a shadow or on a cool corner, but I couldn't see him. I looked around the pool and the garage but no sight of him. He was big dog, he couldn't just disappear.

"Hey, Shawn", I said coming back to the house and walking inside our room, "have you see-...?"

The imagine in front of me was so cute that I could just have melted right there. There they were, Shawn and Thunder, laying down in bed, side by side, taking a nap. It was hilarious how Thunder's long body was almost equal to Shawn's height.

I moved closer to have a better view of these two snuggling in bed and looking so peaceful while doing so. I took my phone out of my pocket and snapped a quick photo of the two beautiful beings sleeping in front of me.

"What are you doing?", Shawn murmured without opening his eyes.

"Taking a picture".

He smiled but didn't move.

"You know my mom won't be happy about this". My mom had a strick rule of not letting Thunder climb into bed, not since he got too big for it.

"Shhh. Close the door". He instructed me so they wouldn't get caught.

"Is there any place left for me?", I said after I did what he asked me to.

"Well...", he opened his eyes and rotated to lay on his back. "Only on top of me" he smirked.

He was being cocky as always, but he also had a point because Thunder was occupying most of the space with his legs.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable on top of my boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head as I rested my cheek on his chest.

"I was looking for him", I whispered.


"I just hadn't seen him for a while and I couldn't find him".

"I brought him here", he said and I looked up to see the guilty look on his face.

"You're so whipped". I sighed laughing.

"I'm his favorite", he said proud.

"Na-uh. That's me. Right, baby?" I said petting the big direwolf look alike next to us.

"Don't wake him up", Shawn told me. "Go back to sleep, sweet boy". He whispered to Thunder.

"I can't believe how much you spoil him".

"He's my baby now", he whispered.

"I thought I was your baby", I snapped back playing with an accusatory tone.

"He's our baby", he corrected himself and then kissed my forehead.

"I like that", I said cuddling in his chest.

Thunder suddenly woke up and sat on the bed looking at us. It seemed like something had startled him, but he recovered quickly when he saw next to him.

"Hi, boy", Shawn told him in the sweetest tone.

I loved how caring and sweet he was with Thunder. They had bonded in no time and it was the most amazing thing to see them playing together. My dog is a big dog and he's extremely strong but it's still a boy who doesn't know how to control his strengh. Lucky for him, my dad was always around to control him and contain him when going for walks. Now, he does not only have papá to take him for walks, he also has Shawn and he loves having his attention.

Thunder looked at him with his tongue falling out of his mouth. I got off Shawn's body and laid by his side, leaving him in the middle. He made room for me now that Thunder was not using all the bed for himself.

"You're a good boy, but mamá is gonna freak out when she knows you're here", I told my dog.

"Thunder, tell Camila no one will find out", Shawn said.

Thunder just laid down again and rested his jaw on top of Shawn's chest, just like I was doing just minutes ago. Shawn completely lost it when Thunder did that but didn't move.

"You ok, bud?" I checked on him laughing.

"I told you I was his favorite", he said proudly once more.

"You're a traitor", I told my dog.

"Don't listen to her, you're a good boy. Yes, you are".

I have to control myself to not turn into a pudding in front of him everytime he speaks to Thunder like that.

I was so in love with the human in my bed. I had no idea these kind of emotions could run around my body all at the same time and make me feel so alive. I was terrified yet extremely euphoric of everything he was doing to me. It was these little moments that sent me the most. He had just sneaked my dog into our room to nap together, even though my mom doesn't allow it, just because he loves him so much. Isn't that something to die for?

I could feel my chest about to explode every single time he did something to put me on the edge with how cute, caring, sweet, respectful and amazing he was to me, my family and his family.

Not even when he was teasing me, making fun of me, or being annoying I would walk out from him. No, I was loving all of him.

I was loving and falling over and over again for the sound of his voice in the morning, when his throat is still raspy and his vocal chords sound husky. I was falling for the rosy cheeks on his face after an afternoon in the pool. I was falling for his smile after cracking jokes with my dad at the dinner table. I was falling for his eyes when he was focused on working on his music. I was falling for his laugh after annoyingly teasing each other for the most random stuff, just like we used to do when we were kids.

It felt surreal that life had put us here at this time, when there was no other remedy than to stay home and be together all the time. It was crazy but so beautiful.

"You went quiet", he said brushing my hair.

"Yeah... I was just thinking".

"What were you thinking?"

"That I love you".

He looked at me with a smile and pulled me in for a kiss.

"I love you too", he said.

"Now, can we please get him out of bed before mamá sees him?" I begged dramatically.

"You're really afraid of her", Shawn laughed.

"You haven't seen her angry", I whined.

"Ok, let's go bud", he said patting Thunder to get up. "Should we take him for a walk?" he asked me.

"Yeah, let's do that".

"Alright. C'mon, boy. Ven aquí, Thunder", Shawn said getting out of bed and walking towards the door calling for the dog.

Thunder followed him immediately and I stood up right after him. Shawn waited for me and extended his hand to hold mine before leaving the room.

Yes, I could get used to all of this.


a/n: the live was too cute not to do anything about it. I live for this domestic content and I know you do too so enjoy.
I'm more comfortable writing from Shawn's pov for some reason but I couldn't do this from his pov so here's Camila's.
Please tell me what you think, I love reading your comments 🥺
Also check my other work "Give in" if you want to read more about these beautiful human beings ❤️

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