a guest house

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"Where do you want me to put this?", I asked Sinu and Camila that were standig outside in the yard, organizing the things Ale and I were taking out of the attic and the garage.

"Just over there", Sinu told me pointing at a corner were more boxing were stack up.

"What's in that?", Camila asked and came closer to me to take a look.

I opened the box and we both looked inside at the tangle Christmas lights.

"Can I keep this?", Camila asked her mom with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, sure", Sinu said not really paying much attention because she was checking other boxes.

"I love Christmas lights", she told me with a sweet smile on her face. I squeezed her cheek because she was too cute to handle and then I kissed her.

Just yesterday we decided that we were completely turning the guest house that had been our room during these weeks of quarantine into the most professional studio we could get in the middle of this pandemic. We had already set some stuff before; mics, amplifiers, guitars, recording systems and wires, etc, but we were going full renovation this time. Camila posed the idea a week ago. She wanted to completely set up the guest house to have a studio there, but she also didn't want to move to another room of the house, she liked her bit of indepedence, our bit of independence. Her parents were helping us with all the work that was due and also rearrenging some of their stuff from other rooms of the house. So... it was pretty much a mess everywhere you looked around.

"Estas son todas", Ale said, and from the Spanish I've been learning with them, I guess he said those were all the boxes.

"Ok. Camila", Sinu called my girlfriend, "Check in the boxes if there are more things you want to keep and move them outside the guest house".

"Bueno, mami", she replied.

"Shawn, I don't know how all the instruments and equipment you two have in there work, but you should probably get them out while Ale lines the walls".

"No problem, I'll do it and then I can help him".

"We'll do it together, my boy", Ale said patting my back.

We moved together to the guess house and took the equipment out and placed it in their living room.

It was hot and I would have love to just stop this and jump into the pool, but I was as excited as Camila with setting up a new place for ourselves that would have everything we needed and loved.

Lining the walls was easier than I thought, or at least Ale made it look that way. I just did whatever he told me to do and we managed to get the work done in just a couple of hours.

"How are my boys?", Camila said walking inside and taking a look.

"Creo que terminamos", her dad said proudly.

"It looks amazing", she said and came closer to hug me.

"Do you really like it?", I asked her.

"Yeah, I love it".

"En un rato traeremos las demás cosas", Ale said and turned around to join Sinu in the backyard.

I looked at Camila because this time I didn't have much clue of what he had said.

"We'll take things inside later", she told me completely understanding my confused look.

"Sounds good", I said.

"So, how should we do this?", she said letting go of me and extending her arms while spinning in the center of the room.

"Well, I think we could set the recording equipment over there, and the mic there", I said pointing at a corner.

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