a snuggle

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Camila was sat with her legs crossed on bed, a cup of tea on her hands and the laptop open in front of her. She looked so cute with her eyebrows frowned and her lips tight, going over some work she yet had to finished. She was such a perfectionist.

I picked the strings of my guitar, just hitting notes and getting a sense of what felt right. This tiny moment felt right and I wanted to put it all in a jar and conserve it so I could open when times were low.

I looked back at her and she was putting the cup and laptop away. She sighed tired and fell back on the bed.

"You ok?" I asked her.

"Mhmm", she murmured. "Just tired".

I took off the headphones and put the guitar back on its hanger. I walked to the bed, she had arms over her face and her eyes closed. I kneeled at the end and made my way up crawling until I laid down on top of her, my head cuddled in between her breast. She giggled and put her arms down to hug my shoulders.

"Hi you", she said surprised but glad.

"Hi", I answered getting comfortable against her body.

We laid in bed, just holding each other and listening to our breathing for a while. It was my favorite place, being in her arms. She was running her fingers through my hair that was getting longer and longer every day.

"Do you like it?", she asked me.

"What?" I murmured against her chest, taking in her caress with closed eyes.

"You hair, how long it is", she explained.

"Uh... yeah. I've never had it this long but I don't mind", I told her.

"I think it looks great", she told me.

"It didn't know it was so curly before", I chuckled.

"I like it", she giggled.

"I know", I said knowing full well she preferred it this way. "What else do you like?" I asked her.

"About you?", she asked to clarify and hummed and nodded.

She laughed before giving an answer because even when we were always touchy around each other, and had no problem showing our love, I still sometimes felt embarrassed to show all my vulnerabilities. It was weird, I know, but she seemed to enjoy it. I hid my face against her neck for a second because I could feel my cheeks getting red.

"Well... I love your hair, the color of your eyes, the little scar on your cheek...", she described.

"Really?", I interrupted her. I've been told before that my scar was... cute? But I never understood why. "Why?"

"It's cute and the story behind it is even cuter", she said stroking my hair. "I also love your arms", she said in a seductive but silly way.

"Oh yeah", I said sitting up and supporting my weight with my arms on each side of her body, looking down at her round big eyes that had a sparkling on them.

"Yes, baby", she said running her hands over my skin.

I bent my elbows to kiss her beautiful mouth.

"And... your... lips", she said in between kisses.

I kissed her one last time and then went back to my place laying on top of her.

"I love you", I whispered.

"I love you too", she replied.

"You know what I love the most about you? Physically?" I said to her.

"My butt?", she wondered with a laugh.

"Well... yeah", I laughed, because I loved her butt. "But also your mouth".

I looked up at her and she was looking at me behind her gorgeous lashes and her mouth was curved in a tiny smile. I brought one hand up and rubbed her lower lip with my thumb. She breathed in irregularly and I smiled noticing the effect I had on her.

"I'm obsessed with your lips", I murmured staring at her mouth.

"I'm obsessed with your lips on my lips", she whispered with a serious note on her voice.

She had such a way to get inside my head with just a few words. She always knew what to say or do to make my knees tremble and throw any rational thought away, because all I could think about was her. She did it now and she did it before. I was at her mercy. Lucky for me, being at her mercy wasn't bad at all now that we were both whipped for each other and had put behind all those years if being apart because we were too childish, stubborn and afraid.

We didn't waste more time talking and our mouths did what they enjoyed best with each other. I kissed her hard and then soft, desperate, but also slowly. We had time, we had all the time in the world to do whatever we wanted in our little bubble and I was making sure I was using my time right. Right now, this felt like hell of a way to spent it.

Eventually, her legs were wrapped around my waist and my hands wander inside the hemp of her t-shirt. One of her hands stayed in the back of my neck and the other grabbed my tank top and motioned for me to take it off. I did what she wanted and immediately returned to savor her mouth.

It was just me and her and our mouths and hands giving and taking and that was more than enough.


a/n: Hi! This is a short one because we haven't seen much of them lately, so I don't have content to work on, but I managed to create a tiny domestic moment between them. I hope you like and I hope we can see more of them soon because I miss them 🤍

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