a last day

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"Do you have everything?", I asked while she mingled around the room with stuff on her hands.

"Yeah, let me just..."

"Camila, do you need help?", Sinu asked coming into the room.

"Mami", Camila said with pleading puppy eyes, "can you check if I have everything?"

I laughed at her because she was such a mommy's girl, if that was a thing. She was used to having her mom around and relying on her. It was both cute and laughable. She looked at me annoyed but only hit me on my chest playfully.

Since restrictions in the country were being lifted, for better or for worse, we were getting ready to move to a different state so I could finally start working on my album with my team in a studio. I was so excited. I wanted her to come with me because I wasn't ready to let her go just yet, but it was hard to ask at beginning. I didn't know if she was willing to leave her home to hang with me in the middle of a pandemic. Crazy enough, she said yes before I could ask about it. She just assumed we were both flying to California and that was it.

"If you guys forget something I can just send it later", Sinu said checking Camila's luggage.

"I'll actually have to have some of the guitars sent to me later, I can't take them all with me now".

"Yeah, that's ok. Ale and I will do it".

"Thank you".

"I can't believe you won't be here anymore", Sinu said to me with a smile.

"Yeah... It will feel weird", I smiled back. These months were crazy but so cool.

Sinu walked out of the room and Camila looked at me giggling.

"They'll miss you more than me", she said.

"What can I say?", I wondered dramatically. "Quarantining with me is the most fun, didn't I made that clear?"

"Oh my God", she said turning back laughing to check her closet once more.

I went to her and hugged her from behind.

"I'll never forget this time", I whispered in her ear. She cuddled against my chest.

"It was a bit of a gift if you think about it, you know", she whispered.

"We still have a long way to go", I commented holding her.

"Mhmm, you won't get rid of me that easily", she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck, looking up at me.

"I wasn't planning on it", I said before connecting our lips.

Today was our last day at her parents' house and we were flying out first thing in the morning. As much as I was going to miss the quiet and calm of this place, I was ready to get all in with my new album, and if my muse was going to be right beside the whole time, then I was beyond thrilled.

"I'll call you when we land there", I told my dad on the phone on a video call at night.

"So Andrew has everything ready, right?", he asked.

"Yeah. A car will pick us up and we'll stay on Airbnb near the studio in Monterey".

"Great. Did you pack everything".

"It's all good", I said while I saw Camila walk inside the room.

"Is Camila there?", my dad asked mocking me and I just smiled embarrassed at the screen.


"Hi, Manny!", Camila came running when she heard my dad.

"Hi, sweetheart. Thank you for the gift you sent. They're awesome", my dad told her.

"Aww, you're welcome. I'm so glad you liked them", she giggled.

"For sure. And also thank you for letting my boy stay in your house all these months".

"No problem", she said stroking my cheek with the palm of her hand. "He is fun to be around sometimes".

"Yeah, he most definitely got that from me", my dad chuckled.

"Alright, dad", I said ending the conversation because I knew he was in the mood to make fun of me. "I'll call you, ok?"

"Ok, guys. Take care and have a safe flight. Love you both", he waved at the camera.

"Love you", Camila and I said doing the same thing and then I hung up.


"This is nice", Camila said when went inside the Airbnb Andrew had booked for us with a beautiful view of the beach.

I put our luggage down and wandered around following Camila while she opened every door and inspected every room.

"Do you like it?", she asked me excitedly.

"Yeah, it looks great", I said but I was more focused on registering her and her smile.

"I could definitely live somewhere like this", she murmured looking at the window into the ocean.

"Me too", I said.

We hadn't had a discussion before about it because we were still unsure about our futures due to the pandemic, but I just couldn't see myself living on different places if we were both on the same state. I could understand if because of work, our schedules would send us different places and therefore be apart for a while. But to live ten or twenty minutes away instead of sharing a place and a bed every night? That didn't make sense to me. After all... We had been together for a year practically. Some couples took less than that to move in together.

"Do you think...?", I started saying and she turned to look at me. "Uh... Never mind".

"No. What were you going to say?"

"It's... nothing".

"Shawn", she insists and stood closer.

"It's just. Are we going to move in together... eventually?"

"Are you asking me to move in with you?", she giggled playfully and teasing me. She loved making fun of me when I was being too romantic or cheesy.

"I'm just wondering", I explained.

She laughed first and wrapped her arms around my waist. "I'd love to move in with you and live together, but I don't know when that'll happen. I mean... I still have to finish filming the movie and then I'll have to figure out stuff about the tour. And you'll release and album soon enough and then tour as well", she said thinking out loud.

"Yeah, you're right..."

"All I know it's that I want to spend as much together as we can now. Ok?"


"But also yes... I can't wait to move in with you for real and have our place and cook together and take Thunder with us".

"I already miss him", I said.

"Me too".

I stared longingly at her, admiring her round eyes and long lashes, her perfect nose and red lips. This was the face I wanted to see every morning when waking up and the last before going to sleep.

I kissed her tenderly and slowly, enjoying the feeling of her lips over mine. The quarantine bubble might be over, but we had so much ahead of us and I was excited to go through together.

"I love you", I said for the 13562th time this day only.

"I love you too", she replied and kissed me again.


a/n: since apparently Shawn and Camila are in California now, I thought it was appropriate to finish this book here. I'm overwhelmed with all the love you gave me with these oneshots, thank you so much for your comments. And also don't be sad because as I already said before I have something on the making for their anniversary. Look for "Unlocked moments" on July 4th;) Bye 💕

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