an episode

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I fixed the blanket over us to cover her legs completely. She was laying next to me, snuggle under my arm and resting her head on my chest.

We were on our third episode of Friends this evening. We didn't feel like doing much today but cuddling next to each other while watching this show. It was either Friends or Harry Potter, and she had won this fight. I don't even know how, she just did.

We were both paying attention to the episode and laughing every now and then. I could feel her laugh vibrate through her body and shake over mine. My fingers were caressing her bare arm with slight touches that we both didn't seem to notice, we were just too used to be in contact with one another. Being apart, that would feel weird.

"This is not gonna work" said Chandler on the screen.

"But this might work" replied Monica and started dancing with a turkey on her head.

Camila laughed a little and then when quiet and contemplative when Chandler said "You're so great, I love you".

I looked down at her, trying not to move so much so she wouldn't notice I was trying to check on her beautiful face. She took my breathe away every single time.

"What?" asked Monica still wearing the turkey on her head.

"Nothing. I just, I just said you were great and then I stopped talking", Chandler ranted nervously and we both laughed.

"You said you loved me, I can't believe this", Monica replied.

"No, I didn't", Chandler poorly denied.

Their conversation went on for a little longer but I stopped paying attention after that. My mind flooded with memories of when we said those words to each other for the first time as a couple. We had said them a hundred times before, but we were just friends hiding our actual feelings so it didn't count.

She was the first to say it and Chandler's reaction reminded me of hers. She didn't plan on saying the words at that exact moment, they just escaped her mouth and she couldn't stop them. It was the cutest thing to see how her face transformed when she realized what she had said. Her eyes opened, her cheeks turned read and her lips formed a straight tight line. I laughed at her expression before I could say anything and that just made it worse for her. I wasn't planning on laughing, because obviously those were the most wonderful words I had ever heard, but her dorky self was too much for me to resist. She then closed her eyes and covered her face with open palms. It took me some seconds to convince her to look at me again, but when she did, I told her I loved her as well, no hesitation on my voice. She hid her face on my neck before looking me in the eyes and repeating those words to me and kissing me softly. I wouldn't have had it any other way. Although maybe I would prefer if I had said them before her, but she awkwardly beat me.

"I can't believe you beat me at saying 'I love you' first" I whispered over her hear. She sat up and turned to me with a funny smile.

"I'll always beat you, at anything", she replied.

"Yeah, you wish", I teased her. "You didn't even meant to say it".

"That's not fair. And I did it anyway, so you can be a sore loser, I don't care". She turned around over exaggerating her moves.

I grabbed her by the waist and throw her tiny body over my lap with her shoulders and head laying on my tights and I tickled her.

"No, Shawn, stop", Camila said in between giggles, trying to get away from my touch.

I stopped just to bend down and kiss her lips. She ran her hands through my hair as our mouths moved together.

I have to say that fake fighting with her was so much fun. We always found the tiniest thing to mock the other and start a silly argument.

Camila has always brought out different parts of me, parts that I don't feel comfortable sharing with all people. She makes me feel like I can walk on glass and fire if I put my mind on it if that means I'll get something that I really want, or she can show me my most vulnerable pieces and help me put them back together when I need her to. The sassy part was something we developed as a defense mechanism when we didn't want to admit our feelings for one another. Eventually, it became a natural state for us and we both put up with it.

"I love you..." she said against my lips. "And I just beat you again" she added quickly.

"Oh God, you're so annoying", I sighted and she laughed noisily.

"So when was the first time you wanted to say it but didn't?" she asked looking up at me when she stopped laughing.

"When did I want to tell you that I love you, you mean?".


I took a breath and then I said, "remember the time you called me right after I had finished a show?"

She nodded with guilty eyes, "I was driving Andrew crazy that day", she told me.

"Well, that day the show was amazing, I felt electricity running through my body the whole time and then, when I got off the stage and someone told me my girlfriend was waiting for me on the line... I swear I never had felt better. It was everything, I had a good career, great fans, an amazing team and on top of that, my annoying but wonderful girlfriend was waiting for me", she stuck her tongue out when I said annoying. "I wanted to say it, but you were telling me about your album and I got lost in your voice, as cheesy as that sound". I knew I was blushing.

"Baby, you are so cute", she said cuddling against me.

"I love you", I said. "I love you so much". I caressed her cheek softly.

She sat up again and put one leg on each side of my hips and cupped my face.

"I've have always loved you" she whispered looking into my eyes. "Sometimes deeper than others, but I when I felt like this love would break me in pieces... that's when I knew I was done. It's scaring and exhausting, but so worth it. You're so worth it". She placed her forehead over mine.

"It's terrifying, really" I agreed. "But I wouldn't have it any other way, baby".

We kissed, savoring every fear, insecurity and uncertainty, because it didn't matter what happened before or what the future holds, this moment was ours. We were right here, isolating in the most perfect way. The universe has its manners and it put us both together in the middle of this situation to enjoy each other with no strings attached and nothing or no one to bother us.

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