a distraction

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"So good to see you man. You're looking great" I said looking at my friend on my phone screen.

"You look amazing yourself, fella. Very tan".

"Yeah, the sun hits hard here"

"Much better than the cold, though. How've you been?" He asked moving around in his house.

"Everything's great, I can't complain. The situation sucks but I needed some time off".

"And what a time off for you, huh? How's your lady?" He said with a smirk.

"Beautiful as always. She's been amazing, we're having so much fun".

"I have to say, Shawnie, I'm a little jealous".

"I would be jealous of myself, to be honest" I said laughing. "But you've got the ladies screaming for you on every new livestream. How's that?".

"Yeah, yeah" He laughed as well. "Those have been fun. I gotta entertainment myself one way of another, ya know? And the fans are so cool"

"Of course".

"When are you going to do one? Maybe we could do one together?"

"I don't know, man. I'd love to do one with you but I just don't feel like going on social media at the moment. But if I do, I'll let you know".

"Alright, no worries. I imagine you have your hands full there", Niall mocked me.

"Shut up, dude", I joked.

"Look at you, man", he said with a genuine smile.

"I know", I said, seeing on the small square the rooted habit I had of touching my nose and looking to one side. "I'm so happy".

"I can see that, mate. I'm happy for you".

"Thanks, Niall".

"How's your music going? Getting inspired?"

"You have no idea. I have ideas flying around all day. I can't wait to go back on the studio"

"Yeah, I know the feeling. It's like you can't control the urge, right?"

"Exactly... I think Camila and I are driving her parents crazy singing and playing music all day".

"You can't bother your in-law, man", he said joking.

"Nah, they're the sweetest".

"Alright, Shawn, I gotta go. So nice catching up with you, brother".

"You too. Take care. We'll keep in touch".

"Say hi to Camila. Love you, my friend"

"Love you too, bro. See ya".

The screen went black again and I returned to the kitchen. I was glad for the great people I had met along the way that taught me so much of this crazy life and ultimately helped keep my feet on the ground. Niall was definitely one of them. The guy was a genius with an amazing heart. I admired him so much and it was awesome so have bonded with him the way we did, I knew I had a friend for life there.

Of course the most important person I had met in this business was my beautiful girlfriend that was once again following her mom's instructions to prepare a new dish. She was on a quest to learn how to cook and nothing was distracting her from that. Well, maybe I did sometimes, but anyways. Her determination was really attractive, and I saw myself falling for her over and over again, always finding a new hidden aspect of her that brought me to my knees.

I leaned by the kitchen door watching how she was cutting vegetables with special care, her face frowning at how concentrated she was.

"You ok there?" I asked softly when Sinu left the room.

"Hi, baby", she said with a sweet smile looking at me. "I'm doing great, but don't come here because I really want to finish this", she said pointing at me with the knife on her hand and a deadly look on her face.

I laughed and went to grab an apple from the fruit basket and sat in a stool in front of her.

"What are you cooking now?"

"Uhm... pasta salad", she looked at me with puppy eyes before I said anything. "I know it's not really fancy, but trying, ok?"

I laughed at how cute and worry she was at making something we would all like. She was putting so much of herself into this that I couldn't but melt at her face.

"Babe, I'm gonna love it either way. You seriously don't have to worry". I assured her.

"Alright", she said with a funny smile. She was so dorky and I loved her.

"I just got off the phone with Niall", I told her taking a bit from my apple.

"Really? That's nice. How is he?"

"Really good. We didn't talk for long because he's in London, obviously, and it's late there".

"He's so sweet", she commented looking proud at the chopped veggies in front of her. She then turned around and grabbed a pan to put them on.

"Yeah, he's a great friend". I said standing up, letting go of my apple and walking towards her until I was right next to her, with my chest touching her back.

"Are you trying to distract me, Mendes?" She asked curiously without looking at me.

"I just want to see up closed what you're doing", I said in a whisper over her head.

"And... how does it look?"

"So beautiful"

"Wow, I didn't know you were so into vegetables", she joked.

"You have no idea", I let out right next to her ear before pulling her hair to one side and exposing her neck.

I heard her breathing get heavier and I saw her skin get shivers. The wooden spoon on her hand was now moving slower and slower.

I placed a kiss right behind her ear as my hand went to her waist to keep her steady against my body. She left out a sigh and rested her head on my shoulder while I put another kiss on her skin, this time just a little bit lower on her neck. I knew she had her eyes closed and was taking in every caress I was selflessly giving her. She was just irresistible to me. Her smell, her curves, her mind.

"You two won't have dinner ready on time if you keep doing that", Sinu said making her way back into the kitchen and startling us both.

I looked at her mom with with cheeks burning in red color and a shy smile before returning to my seat on the stool and grabbing back the apple, like a kid that had just been caught doing something they shouldn't. Sinu just shocked her head with a smile.

"I told you to not distract me", Camila said dramatically looking at me over her shoulder. I love you, she mouthed before going back to what she was doing.

Man, I'm so whipped for this girl.


a/n: i just get this random ideas and scenarios of domestic content and i have to vent somewhere, so here it is. I'll come back when i get a new one. Do you like this one?

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