a gift

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"Oh I'm so nervous", Camila said with a exagerated laugh.

"Why?", I asked rubbing her arm.

"I don't know. This is one is so personal".

"It's beautiful. I'm sure people will love it".

"I don't know what would I do if people don't like it, but at the same time I can't care about that. This is for my Papa".

"And that's what matter", I said.

She was on her phone typing nonstop and getting ready with her team to release the music video for First Man on Father's Day. This was her gift to her dad, and even though he was there shooting some of the scenes, he hadn't watched the final product. I hadn't either. Only Camila and Sinu monitored and helped with the production of it.

"Ok, we are ready", she said and kissed me quickly before getting up and going to living room to show Ale the video. I followed behind.

Ale was in the kitchen with Sinu who was preparing brunch to celebrate the day.

"Papa, el video está listo", she said and Ale stood up and sat with her on the sofa in front of the TV.

"Alright", he sighed happily.

I stood behind a few feet away, excited to see the video but giving them the space to have and enjoy their father-daughter moment. Sofi came running and sat with them as well. Ale lifted her arms and then put them around his daughters' shoulders. He had a proud and delighted expression on his face.

"Here we go", Camila said and worked on the remote to get the video playing on Youtube on the TV.

Here with us in L.A. and perfoming live. Right. Now.

I giggled at the first image of young Camila opening the video and then watched the rest of the video in silence. Footage of my girlfriend as a baby being on the arms of both her parents that looked so good in the homemade videos made my heart warm. She was so cute as little girl, always joking around, playing, smiling. I watched as she sang in front of the camera, her eyes shining in emotion. I watched the videos of Sofi as a baby and Camila getting her karaoke recording system. They all shared such a cute bond.

She looked like an angel at the end of the video, walking away in that silk white dress. God, I was so in love with her.

The quiero mucho, Papa was displayed at the end of the video and I heard Ale sobbing and he hugged his daughters at the same time.

They whispered words of love to each other in Spanish and hugged some more, then Sinu joined them. I looked at them being together and happy and for a tiny second I got jealous of them. I missed my dad, my hero, my man. My eyes watered a little but I quickly brushed the tears off. It wasn't the moment to be sad.

"Gracias, hija" he said and kissed Camila on the head. She hugged him tight.

They all stood up to go have brunch and when Ale came closer I opened my arms to hug him.

"You're a great dad to your family", I whispered while we were holding each other.

"I'm sure you will be one to your family one day too", he said patting my back and putting some space between us to look me in the eyes.

My smile was shy but he looked at me with confidence and that made me fee so good. I always knew I was going to have my family one day. It was in my plans having kids in the future, but when people brought the topic before, it made me uncomfortable just because it felt so distant and hypothetical. Now, even when I wasn't planning on making it real on the near future, it didn't bring any awkward reactions. I guess it was clearer and a lot less terrifiying thinking about it since I was in a stable relationship with my best friend.

Camila joined me when Ale continued walking and looked up at me. She had clearly heard his comment but didn't say a word. She just rubbed my cheek with her palm terderly.

"That was beautiful", I said about the video.

"Did you like it?"

"Uh-huh. And you were always so cute".

She hugged me and then we joined her family. Brunch with them was fun, just like every other meal we had shared these past months. When I first came here to quarentine with my girlfriend I never expected this situation to turn into an almost 3 months stay. No one in the world had expected that really. But I was so grateful for her family and how amazing they were with me, not a single time I felt alone or unwelcomed.

"So... I have a gift for you", I said to Ale when we had finished our food.

"What?", she asked amused and confused.

"Yeah, just wait here".

I stood up and ran to our room to get the box out of my side of the closet, inside the socks cabinet. Camila had no idea I had ordered a gift for his dad because it just came in with a couple of other stuff that I had received the past few weeks.

"Happy father's day. I... Well, I've always thought that my dad is the coolest, most amazing dad in the world, but now I think maybe he isn't alone in the podium", I handed him my gift which he took but left it on the table and raised from his seat to hug me.

"Thank you so much, Shawn", he said.

"What is it?", Sofi asked a while later.

Ale opened the box and took the watch from inside the box. It was a costumized watch with the words "Cabello's boss", engraved on the back of it. He inspected it and then hugged me again. I laughed, glad that he had liked it.

"It is beautiful", Sinu said clapping.

Camila didn't say anything and she was pretty much speechless until we were back in our room.

"I can't believe you had a gift for my dad for Father's day", she said.

Oh no. Was she mad?

"Shouldn't I... have done that?", I asked cautiously.

"What? No", she explained. "I just can't believe it, that's so sweet".

"Oh, I was scared for a second", I chuckled.

"I... I actually sent a gift to your dad as well", she said softly, almost just a whisper.

"You did?", I asked.

"Yeah. Your mom received it and she said she was going to give it to him today".

"I can't believe you did that" I said laughing at how we had done the same things for our dads. "What did you get him?"

"Personalized sunglasses. Do you think he'll like them?"

"He loves you, you could give him a rock and he would love it. But he specially loves sunglasses. The rockstar vibe he likes, you know. I'm sure he will be thrilled".

"Ok, good", she smiled.

I held her in my arms and I cocked my head to kiss her cheek.

"Do you think I'm gonna be a good dad... in the future?", I asked her. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or throw a loaded question at her, I was just genuinely curious about her opinion.

"I think you'll be a wonderful, loving, fun dad in the future", she answered running her fingers through my hair.

"I love you", I said and hid my face on her neck, breathing in her perfume.

"I love you, baby", she said still caressing my scalp.


a/n: Hi, I'm back. I hope this one makes sense to you.
I wanted to tell you that I'm working on something similar to this and I'm hoping I'll have it ready on the 4th for their anniversary, so stay tuned for that.
Vote and comment please, I love to read your reactions.

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