a movie

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Sinu eyed me from her seat in the living room and I had to look around to understand what was she paying attention to. The lights were off and the only brightness came from the TV. I looked at her again, with zero clue of what she was trying to tell me.

"She felt asleep", Sinu said with a smile on her face.

I moved a bit, trying to not disturb Camila too much and check on her as she was sleeping with her face snuggled in my chest. I couldn't see much from my position, but I believed Sinu.

"It's ok", I said and pulled up the blanket we had over our legs.

Damn right my chest almost exploded when I noticed. I didn't want to do anything that would wake her up, she looked fucking beautiful sleeping.

Her parents, Sofi and I watched the rest of the movie and then they got up to go to their bedrooms when it finished.

"Will you wake her up?", Sinu asked me while she folded the other blankets.

"No", I said in a low voice. "I'll carry her to the bed. Can you open the door for me?"

She nodded and I whispered on Camila's ear to let her know I was going to carry her and I needed her to hold on to me. Still in her sleep, she mumbled in agreement and then wrapped her arms around my neck.

I placed my arms on her back and behind her knees before standing up and adjusting the weight of her body to have a firm grasp. Sinu walked in front of me to the room and opened the door as I had asked, then she passed me to throw the covers of the bed back.

I walked through the bedroom and placed her on the bed very slowly. I heard Sinu said goodnight to us and then close the door. Camila had her arms still wrapped around my neck when I put her down.

"Babe, let go of me and go to sleep", I whispered.

She mumbled and whined something in her sleep but I couldn't understand a world and I just chuckled silently.

"I'll be right back", I said taking her hands and unwrapping them.

She turned to her side, bringing her hands close to her face. I rushed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, take off my tanktop and shorts and jump into bed with her after turning the lights off. He instatly cuddle against my body when she felt me climb in bed with her.

"Shawn?", she murmured confused.

"Go to sleep, babe", I said and kissed her forehead.

"What happened?"

"You felt asleep".

"Did you bring me here?", she asked drowsy.

"Mhm". I held her closer.

"I love you, baby".

"I love you more. Now sleep".

She kissed my cheek and snuggled up again.

I watched her lose conscious once more and heard her breathing have a more rhythmic pattern. Her body was warm and relaxed next to me.

I live a hectic life and there aren't many things or situations that bring ease to my heart, but watching her peacefully sleep was truly one of them.

I knew how much she struggled in the past years, even when I wasn't there in person to witness it. I knew about her battles and demons, and as much as I wanted to take them all away, I couldn't do it and I was well aware of that since I've battle with the same issues on my own. But there were things that I could do to help her feel better, like guarding her sleep and making sure she was comfortable, so here I was.

She turned around and her back laid against my chest now. She took my arm and made sure I was hugging her while spooning her tiny body. She smelled like vanilla, roses and jasmines because of perfume or so she had told me when I asked why she always smelled deliciously.

I kissed the back of her head and closed my eyes. There were so many things happening around the world, but right now, in this tiny moment, all I wanted to care about was her.

Camila's POV.

I woke up in the middle of the night, too confused to actually know what time it was. All I knew was that I had fallen asleep watching a movie with my family and Shawn had carried me here.

I stood up from bed, trying to be as quiet and possible and went to the bathroom. When I returned, I changed into my pijama. I was almost ready when Shawn turned in bed and groaned when his hand touched the flat matress instead of me.

"Camila?", he asked sleepy, with curls falling over his barely open eyes.

"I'm here", I whispered and got into bed again.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, hiding his face in the curve of my neck and giving me tickles.

"Don't leave", he said over dramatically.

"I won't", I assured him, stroking his hair with my fingers. He kissed my neck.

I fixed the covers over us and closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of his body sooth my mind and thoughts. I was so glad for the person crushing me against the mattress and all that his mere existence was doing to me. I felt myself fall asleep again with a smile on my face.


a/n: Thank you for reading. Before you go please consider signing petitions or donating to causes helping and caring about what happened to George Floyd, the disgusting racism black people experience and the outrageous police brutality. Shawn shared some links if you want to check them out.
I can't be silent to what is happening and I hope you're doing your part too.

#BlackLivesMatter ❤️

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