Too salty

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I was sitting in the living room reading today's newspaper. I haven't had a free day for years now.
My employees are having a health checkup today so I'm staying at home. We have them every month. When you work in such a physically exhausting job you have to control your well-being.

I hope none of them is hurt. Myanmar has been complaining about his ankle lately so I'm very worried about him. He is my right hand so that would be a shame.

I can't believe I'm still strong enough to be a fisherman. I used to hate the ocean. I would blame it for everything bad that happened to me. It's such a murderous weapon. Now I want to show it that I'm stronger than it's waves. I can control the wind and make it do my biting. It can't hurt me or anyone from my family ever again. I won't let it.

I heard soft footsteps in the hall. Our carpets were soft and velvety which made them perfect for passing by not seen by anyone. We all didn't really like social interaction. Maybe except for Denmark and Finland...well not anymore. Now Finland is the quietest out of us all.

The sound was getting closer. Are they coming towards me? They suddenly stopped right in the doorway. I could feel the person staring at my back.

I smirked, I knew exactly who it was.

-Stop staring you creep and just come here.

I heard a sigh and the footsteps started again. Now they were right behind me. I could feel their breath on my cheek. I looked up and saw my little sister Denmark.
Her skin looked mate and she had massive bags under her eyes. I knew exactly what she was doing the whole night.

-Hi Norway...

-Let them resolve it alone Denmark. You are just stressing yourself out.

She walked around the couch and sat on the purple armchair next to me. She looked so tired. Like she will fall asleep any second. Her pink pajamas were covered in tea and coffee stains.
She rubbed her eyes and yawned.

All of a sudden I heard someone going downstairs. We both looked the way the sound was coming from.
Iceland was walking with his head down. He was passing in the doorway.


Denmark stared at him silently. She wanted to help him because she knew what he was going through but she wasn't sure how to help him.

Iceland put his head up and Looked at Denmark wide-eyed. He seemed shocked.

-You guys are awake...?

We both looked at each other in confusion. We were all known to be morning birds so we didn't understand why Iceland would be so shocked by us not sleeping.
I slowly put my head up and smiled at him. know that it's already 9?

He just stood there even more confused than before. He frowned.

-I thought it was like...4...

We just stayed silent for a couple of seconds but I and Denmark couldn't hold it for long. We started laughing and I could see a small smile forming on Iceland's face. In this crappy situation we al needed some positivity.

Iceland sat down next to me on the couch. He looked like he has been crying for the whole night. Poor little thing...


My little sister looked towards Icy.

-Can you make me coffee, please?

Denmark nodded and smiled. She would do whatever there can be done to make someone feel better. She is one of the best people I know in the whole world. Such a pure little angel.

She got up and left the living room. We all knew Iceland is only 14 and he shouldn't drink coffee but it seemed it might be the only thing to get him on his feet today.

All of a sudden he said something.

-Do you still hate Finland for what he has done to you?

I dropped my newspaper. I wasn't sure how to answer that, to be honest. Of course, I was still mad but...he is my brother you can't just dislike someone forever. Especially if you see him every day.

-...yes...but I still love him. That year was a...a tough one for us all. We all said and did stuff we shouldn't have.

-Like? Nothing is worse than what he had done! What he did had an impact on us all! He's just a huge selfish di...

I snapped.

-How dare you speak about your brother like that?! You are not better than him! He didn't break my nose as you did to that kid. I was expecting more from you than this kind of behavior young man! Finland trusted you enough to tell you about this fight and you decided to hurt him!

I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I was so angry. It was so hard for any of us to open up. From the youngest age, we had to be tough and secure. This is why  Denmark and Iceland talk more. We wanted them to have a normal childhood and now it's all breaking up for Iceland.

I realized what I have done. I wiped up my tears and let my blank expression come on my face again. I looked at Iceland again. I can't be so soft towards him. I should be harder or he will become a brat who thinks he is always right.

-He wasn't suppose to tell you about that Iceland. He decided you were mature enough to hear it.

-I am mature enough!

-Then why won't you act like it...?

Iceland's expression turned to frustrated and hurt. He ran upstairs knocking something down in the doorway.
I turned around. It was coffee. Denmark was trying to pick up the porcelain's shards. She finally got up and looked at me. She seemed terrified.


She sighed and looked down.

-He needs time to understand won't come so quickly.


-Ugh! Why are you so stubborn?!

I got up and looked at her annoyed. Nobody will talk to be me like that. Especially someone who is younger and less experienced.

-Oh, I'm sorry. Am I not the sweet kind sister you wanted?! Well...too bad.

-I don't mind that you are not sweet. I'm sad because you are so salty that nobody can even get through the first bite.

She turned around and walked away to her room. I just stood there. hurt.

I'm suppose to be the tough one...let me be the tough one! I sat down on the ground screaming into my own hands. Denmark is right...nothing comes ta quickly.

Inside I'm an ocean but outside I'm a rock. Stopping the waves from hitting anyone. Even my own family.

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