Trying my best

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I was sitting downstairs in the kitchen. Last night was amazing. I don't remember the last time we all sat down and talked. It reminded me of when we were younger.

Norway was at her job already, she said that she will be coming home late tonight. She has to visit Faroe in the hospital. To be honest, I was kinda shocked when I heard this. Norway is usually really nervous around other people. She just prefers not to get engaged in any relationships.

I took a sip of my coffee that I made a few minutes ago. The warmth spread around my body. Mornings like this always calm me down. Especially when things like this are happening. Iceland seems to be getting better, the same as Finland. But I know they will need more time to work this out.

Finland was never the one to put up a fight, everything changed after the incident with Norway. I know how it used to be. I was the always insecure one and the brain of the group, Norway was the fisty one and Finland was the shy, quiet one. It used to be so much easier when we were kids.

I have no idea how our mom was able to take care of us all. We were a handful growing up. Norway changed completely after mom's and dad's death. She became way more reserved. Finland dedicated his life to taking care of Denmark and Iceland and I became the head of the family.

Our roles changed completely, now our lives were revolving around the kids. I was the one providing the money, Finland was a protector and Norway taught them discipline.

Suddenly I heard someone coming downstairs. It was Iceland. His hair was wet, he was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of red shorts.

He looked at me, a smile on his face. He was surprisingly energetic.

- Hey Sweden!

I was a little shocked by how excited he was.

- Hey there Icy, I see you are in a good mood huh?

- Yep!

He walked into the kitchen and put two pieces of bread into the toaster.

- Do you know that it's only 6 am?

- mhm! I'm going to Denmark's job once again. But this time Lienchenstien agreed to hang out with me after work!

I...did not expect that. Iceland never had friends before. He was an outcast like Norway. Everyone at school would stay away from him.

After the wave of shock I felt...happines. My little brother finally found someone who sees his true worth.

- Em...Sweden? Are you...crying?

- H-huh? Oh sorry, I'm just really proud of you for making a friend...

- Sweden. Don't.

- Come here kiddo!

I got up and hugged him tightly. He is growing up so fast...

- Let me gooooo

Iceland was struggling in my arms.

I finally let him go and patted his shoulders. His hair was just like mom's, so poofy and wild. He backed up a little nervous from me and chuckled.

- Don't start crying Sweden...

After saying that he ran to the hallway and put on his red vans shoes.

- Come back before 10 kiddo!

- Got it!

He got out of the house. I saw him jumping on his bike and driving away.

Sometimes I really feel like his dad. He knows the least about mom and dad from all of us. They died when he was only 6. I'm not even sure if he remembers them. For him, it was always just his sibling taking care of him. I wish mom was here...she always knew what to do.

I took a sip of my coffee and swiped away the tears in my eyes.

Denmark always reminded me of her. She was always so cheery and positive. Nobody is really like our dad tho, he was...a strange man. He would spend most of his time in the forest. He taught us how to love nature. Dad was extremely stubborn and easy to judge people kind of like Norway...

I sighed, the memory of my parents always made me tear up. The day they died...and I heard I was going to have to take care of everyone. I knew I will never be good enough for Denmark and Iceland. That I will never be like a parent to them.

But I'm doing my best...I always did.

I was the one watching them grow up, seeing how they changed and blossomed. I saw how they become those amazing, caring people.

Mom...Dad...I wish you could have seen them.

I felt tears on my cheeks. Okay Sweden, enough of nostalgia...put yourself together. I got up from my seat and put the cup in the sink.

I went to the hallway, eh Denmark left a mess as always. She has problems choosing clothes at times. I took her coats from the ground and hanged them in the closet. Then I pulled out a light jean jacket, put on some sneakers, and got outside. I have work in a couple of minutes after all.

I opened up my car and got inside. The Ikea I work at is only a few minutes away so I didn't even turn on the radio. I started driving, I couldn't wait to see all of my friends at work.

I was getting away from the cliffs, a place where I spent many moments of my childhood, taking a turn to my job. The Ikea building was slowly becoming visible, it stood right behind this hill.

I drove to the parking lot and parked my car in my place. I got out and as soon as I did I saw someone waving at me from the entrance, it was my best friend Netherlands.

I got him this job last summer. He was always pretty lazy but loving. He was the one who introduced me to weed. I hated it at first but, because I spend so much time with him I got used to it. I still don't smoke it, but the smell doesn't affect me anymore.

...Well okay, I smoked like 5 times but I was drunk...

ANYWAY, I walked up to him and shook his hand.

- What's up, bro?

- Meh nothing much, I was just waiting for you. Someone has to manage the packages.

I sighed. You've got this Sweden. Only a few more days until the weekend...

- Yeah sure, just let me change into the uniform.

You do it for them Sweden.

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