An Accident

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I was driving towards the small town. It was around 12 km. away from our house.

I remember hating that place as a kid. My mom would always take me shopping and  I hated it.
She would pressure me into trying clothing I didn't want to wear and get haircuts I hated.

Although everyone else loved it.
Especially Finland and Denmark.
I remember that they used to be obsessed with that place.

Finland always talked about how one day he will move to a much bigger city and live there with Estonia. He mentioned something about a "communication program" they are working on.
I think it was called "Skype". Estonia is the main developer tho.

For Denmark, be honest here. She was always my favourite. So when I heard she wants to move out as soon as she finds a stable job I was devestated.
She is my little angel I can't loose her!

I looked at the first little houses made of brick or painted with pretty pastel colours like blue or green.

The cyclists where everywhere and so were cars.
For people who live in huge cities and towns this will seem like an almost empty road but not for me.

I didn't like crowds. They scared me. It always felt like everyone was watching me.

I took out the shopping list from my pocket as I parked my car in front of the shopping aisle.

I got out and stretched a little. The smell of wet pavements.

A few people were walking around from shop to shop with bags and backpacks.
I saw a tall blonde lady with a bright pink coat on her shoulders.

Something about her intrigued me, I wish I could be able to have as much confidence as her one day.
Stop worrying about what I wear and how I look.

I shook my head and started walking towards the first store. The sails man used to be our fathers friend so we always go there.

I glanced at the shopping list:

- tomatoes
- carrots
- bread (white)
- ham
- eggs
- 2 precent milk
- flour
- Doritos (please Sweden!)

The last one was not so well written. I chuckled knowing it had to be Iceland sneaking around Denmark and writing stuff down without her knowing.
I knew he has to be feeling awfule now so I decided to get him some nachos.

I opened the door to the store and heard a little bell ring.

I picked up a basket and started walking around picking stuff from the list.

I was ready to check out when I felt a light grin on one of my shoulders.

I turned around to see a tall bearded man smiling.

- Well if it isn't my favourite Nordic! How is it going Sweden?

- Mister Josh!

I smiled and hugged him.

- I'm doing good...

He gave me an unsure look and nodded.

- Are you sure? You look sad kiddo.

I sighed.

- Well...recently Finland and Iceland got into a fight. We are all not taking it
too lightly.

- I understand...I'm sure you guys will go through it. You are the Nordics! The inseparable siblings!

I smirked and looked at him.

- Thank you...

He patted my shoulder.

- No problem Sweden. By the way, how is Denmark doing? I haven't seen her today.

- She took a day off. Iceland needs her.

- Oh! I kinda miss her. She always comes at 2 pm to get a cinnamon bun and an apple. I think that's her lunch break. We talk a lot.

- She never told me...

- Well...she is a grown up woman now Sweden. You don't know all about her.
Anyway! I think I'll have to go now. We got the delivery and I have to unpack some stuff. See you later!

- Good bye...

I walked away to check out and got out of the store.
Am I overprotective?

No...I don't think I am.
Denmark just means so much for me. She might have hurt me before but now she is so supportive and sweet.

I'm scared of letting her out...the world is so dangerous. What if she will hurt herself?

I shook those thought away. No need to worry about it now Sweden. We will think about it later.
Now we have shopping to do.

I looked at the list again. I had almost everything except for chemistry. Like cleaning stuff etc.

I looked around looking for a good place to shop for those.

"CLEAN CLASH" sounds good...

I started walking towards it looking at my phone. I was listening to blackbear all day long. It made me feel better.

I walked into the store and started looking around. The smell of cleaning supplies was awfule. I hated it so much.

I was about to walk into the aisle with dish soup and sponges when I heard someone calling me from behind.

- Sweden...?

- Yes?

I turned around and froze. In front of me I saw Bulgaria in all his glory.

He was wearing a black un-zipped Hoodie with a white shirt underneath. His black pants had a few holes in them.

He was looking at me. His face was white and his hands were shaking. So was MY entire body.

I felt my heart almost going out of my chest.

- Bulgaria...

- ...

We were both staring at eachother awkwardly.

- So...I see you're still trying.

I looked at him confused.
His expression was blank and his eyes were looking right at me. Cold and deadly.

- Pardon...?

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

- Sweden face it. You should just stop. You are not fooling anyone.

Then it hit me. I felt a shiver going down my spine.
Not here. Not now.

- Stop. You never supported or loved me. Fuck off.

- Hohoho I see you are more confident too! Sweden I'll be honest with you. I did love you before you made this dumb thing up. If you want to maybe consider FINALLY understanding how stupid it is. We can go back together...?

I couldn't take it anymore. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I could see a few people whispering.
I took a deep breath and tried to seem like I'm not going out of my mind.

- You were a toxic...awfule person. We are never getting together again.

I felt his grip on my waist.

- Sweden just face it. You will never be a real guy. Stop playing and accept it.

I slapped him as hard as I could.

- You never cared for me! I was just a toy for you! When I told you who I am you literally smacked me and screamed at me...
I thought you loved me...I really did...

I dropped the bags and left the store.

I ran into my car shut it and started driving aways as fast as I could.

I wiped off my tears.

Could this day get any worse?! Iceland and Finland are fighting. Denmark's anxiety is probably going crazy and I had to meet that fucking dickhead!

I started crying again. Salty tears coming inside my mouth...
I hated this...I hated this so much...

I hated myself. This whole situation.

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