Shut up.

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I felt like everything was getting better. Finland is back home, Iceland hangs out with Lienchenstien a lot. They work together and then Lienchenstein walks him back home. It's honestly adorable. Norway is starting to open up so that's incredible too. It couldn't be better. But something was wrong.
I wasn't feeling as good as I should. Have I ever tho? I almost never think about myself...

The cold breeze brought me back to reality, I was already almost at the doorstep of my house. I didn't even realize I'm already that far. I reached out for the doorknob and went in. I sat down, my back against the hard cold wood. Everyone seemed to be asleep or busy.
I sighed and got up. I took off my shoes and walked up to the kitchen.

I made myself a cup of coffee. I know I won't be able to sleep for the next hours and it's really late but honestly? I'm already an insomniac who cares?
I giggled at that thought and turned on the coffee machine. It produced a cup of dark, heavy black coffee with a strong smell. Just what I needed right now.

I started sipping it as I looked around the room. The old photo frames and drawings on the fridge...I had one favorite photo. The only one where we are all together. Sadly most of it was blurred out so I couldn't see much of dad's, mom's, and Iceland's face.

Mom was holding me by the hand while Dad kissed her on the cheek. Iceland was riding piggyback on Finland who was laughing. Sweden stood beside our mom and held her other hand. The photo was taken before he fully transitioned...he has to feel awful about it. Norway was standing in front of everyone smiling widely. She was wearing a dress which always surprised me. I never have seen her wear a dress or a skirt except for special occasions. Like country meetings.

Suddenly I heard a door open. I thought everyone was home already...

- hello...?

I walked into the hallway and saw Sweden taking off his coat.

- Oh, Swed-

Suddenly he turned around, his eyes were red and he was smiling widely. Too...wide if you ask me. His eyes landed on me and his grin became even wider if that was possible...

- Sissy!

He went in to hug me and this weird...smell hit me. I knew what it was...god not again. I pushed him off me and took a step back.

- Sweden...did you smoke weed with Netherlands again?

- maybe~

He giggled. God, he was so out of it...

- Sweden. I told you what I think about responsible, you are too important to do this to yourself.

His smile suddenly disappeared and he got weirdly calm.

- So what?! Just because I take care of all of you, I can't do anything anymore?

- Listen, you have a responsibility you can't just let yourself-

- Shhhh, listen. Do you think I wanted all of this? No. I didn't. Let me live my fucking life.

He tried to push me out of his way but I stayed still.

- Oh okay, I see how it is. When you are sad I have to be there for you but when I need something you just get me out of your way.

- Denmark, please...

- NO. Do you think about how I feel?! Have you EVER thought about how I feel?

- Denmark...


He backed away slowly. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

- I AM ALWAYS THERE FOR ALL OF YOU BUT YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT ME! Ah yes, Denmark is soooooo perfect, she can't possibly have feelings like every single MOTHER FUCKING LIVING BEING DOES?!

I felt his arm on my shoulder. I looked up at him. He looked collected. He sighed and stared at the ground for a bit, I did the same. After a few seconds, I looked at him. He was staring into my eyes with a slight grin.

- It might shock you...but I know how you feel.

It didn't. Jesus what I was thinking. It didn't shock me at all. Look at him. He is a young adult working for his whole family. He knows pressure, he knows stress. And I'm mad at him for just trying to relax.

- ...I'm so sorry Sweden...

- It's okay...I'm glad you told me.

We stared at each other in silence. Finally, I let out a sigh.

- So...did you have fun...?

- Quite a lot actually, you know I might be a workaholic guy providing money to his orphaned family BUT I am fun at parties for sure.

I giggled and stared at his hands. They were so bruised and old-looking.

- Denmark...?

- Yes?

- Are you okay...?

- I don't think I am Sweden.

- about you take a break kiddo? Maybe get off work for a bit?

- But...but money...

- Don't worry about the money Denmark, I'm sure one week won't hurt anybody.

- Are you sure...?

- Sure as I can be while being high. So very.

I laughed and Sweden patted my hair. I could feel the smell coming off his clothes and skin.

- God, you smell like shit brother...

- Denmark. Watch your language young lady,

- Oh yes...sorry...

We stood there for a while finally Sweden looked at me.

- I need help getting to my room.

I wheezed. He is REALLY out, isn't he? The funniest thing is that he never admits to it afterwards, "Weed? Never heard of it." I took his hand and helped him walk upstairs, so clumsy heh.I opened his door and helped him lay down on his bed.

His room was always the coolest, all of his furniture was Ikea but he really elevated all of it. I loved his room, it was cozy but in the same time fashionable.
Everything was in light colors, light brown, white, and grey. I wish my room could look like that but I'm too busy.

- Denmark...

- Yes...?

He was about to fall asleep. With his eyes, half-closed he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

- I think I made out with Netherlands.


He passed out as I screamed.


it was no use...

A/N first time writing an author note. SO. Please don't judge me okay, I want to make the next chapter goofier and light-hearted I hope you won't mind.

Basically what I mean is that the next chapter will be basically "adventures of high Sweden" it will be longer than this one for sure!

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