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I was sitting on the staircase in front of the Baltics apartment. I lit up a cigarette and put it in my mouth. The warm smoke was filling up my lungs. Denmark tried to make me stop smoking many times but I don't want to.

I feel like I need it, even if Estonia is here for me. I need it if I'm stressed or afraid. What am I scared of now? Coming back. My bag is packed, my car is ready but I'm not...

Estonia sat down next to me and hugged onto my forearm. We spent so much time in the past days. I feel like I better understand now. We were all affected...we all did bad things it's not my fault. Denmark's and Iceland's situation is not my fault. At least that's what Esty told me. And I think I believe it...

I dropped the half-smoked cigarette and looked at my boyfriend.

The thought of that fight popped up in my brain again. He is so strong...

- This was much worse you know? He's got a temper...Denmark lived it silently...

- Finland...don't think about it.

- No, what I mean is that I'm proud of him...I mean...have you seen that kid? Icy ain't giving no fucks I tell you that.

Estonia giggled but stopped immediately.

- Finland!

- What? I'm just saying...

We looked at each other and laughed. He is so cute when he is laughing. I kissed him on the forehead and giggled.

- Cutie

- Oh shut up~

He chuckled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. After that, he got up. His ice-blue eyes shining in the sun.

- Common Fin, you are gonna be late.

- Right...

I got up and went upstairs to get my things. After walking into the living room with my bag I saw Lithuania and Latvia sitting on the couch. Latvia turned to me and smirked.

- It was nice to have you here have to visit us more. I'm jsut sad you were brought here because of such unfortunate events...

Lithuania nodded energetically.

- Thanks, I'll see you guys soon for sure. And if not...there is still your wedding Ania!

Lithuania giggled.

- Sure thing Land!

I walked out of the flat and packed up my things. Before getting into the car I looked at Estonia. He hugged me tightly. The warmth was back again.

- I love you Fin...if something happens you can always come back, sweetie...


- Thank you Estonia...for everything.

He smiled and kissed my cheek while letting me go.

- Common, I don't want you to go tomorrow. I already cleaned up the room.

- Oh gosh Esty, was I that bad of a roommate. I was so sure you-

- Just get in the fucking car pervert.

I smirked and went inside. I started the car.

A few minutes passed and I was driving through the well-known to me cliffs. This is where I spent my childhood. I might not be as attached to them as my siblings are but I have so many great memories from here. Me, Norway, and Sweden would go out exploring there. Once we found an old cave that you could only get to when swimming. It was incredible. I wonder if it's still there...

As the sun set, I was getting closer and closer. Finally, I saw my house. So warm, so cozy, and always filled with problems. Do I really have a problem with this? Nah.

I parked my car and immediately I saw someone running up to me. I took a closer look at them and realized it was my older brother.

He hugged me.

- God, I was so scared you were not gonna come back...

I hugged him back and patted his back. He let go off me and opened the back door of my car where my luggage was laying.

- Need help with the bags?

- Nah I've got it, bro

- Alrighty

He walked up to the door together and Sweden opened it for me. As soon as I stepped inside I dropped them to the ground and took a deep breath. I missed this place...

- Finland...?

A shiver went up to my body as I heard that voice. Sweden knowing what was coming back off to the living room where I could hear some show playing on the TV.

I turned around and saw him. He looked more tired than ever and was already in his pajamas. Seeing him made tears come up to my eyes.
I took a step in his direction.

- Iceland...listen I'm so-

Before I could finish he run down the stairs and hugged me.

- I'm so sorry, I didn't understand. I never understood it. You did so much for me...and I called you all of those awful things

The tears collecting in my eyes finally fell down. I placed my hand on the top of his head. His hair was so soft and fluffy. I picked him up like I used to do and looked him in the eyes. They were puffed and red from crying.

- I'm not so good either is partially my fault and I understand. I am so sorry you got to go through it. But I am so incredibly proud of you are so strong...

He smiled through his tears and hugged into the fur on my coat. Just like he used to. I crouched down and held him close to my body. I could hear him giggling when the fur tickled his nose.

- Can we never fight again Fin...?

- That's impossible Icy...we are both short-tempered mother fuckers.

Iceland chuckled and sniffed slightly. He let go off me but I remained crouching.

- If I say that I love you, would that make me less manly?

- We are both crying like babies while hugging each other I'm pretty sure we have achieved the biggest level of unmanliness already.

- Then...I love you Finland

- ...I love you too Iceland...

We smiled and I got up. I ruffled my brother's hair and we both walked towards the living room. Before we stepped in I could hear Sweden, Norway, and Denmark pushing each other. 

- Oh gosh, that was adorable!

- Shut up Denmark, we need to make it look like we didn't see it at all!

- Both of you! Keep it quiet!

I smirked and walked inside. My siblings looked at us smiling warmly. Denmark and Norway were sitting on the couch. Sweden took the best place in the huge armchair.

I sat down on the second one and Iceland sat down next to it on the pile of pillows. I looked at my youngest sister Denmark.

Norway suddenly spoked up.

- I fucking hate you all. Can you stop stirring drama for once?

We all laughed and Norway grabbed my hand smiling at me. She muffled "idiot" and I smiled.

- So...what are we watching?

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