Chapter 6: Family Time (Fred's Perspective)

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"Hi! thanks for having us over Aunt Kyle and Uncle Tom!" Alice said while carrying Alex. I stood behind Alice with Saphira and Bliss as they walked into the house. "Hey Fred!" Uncle Tom said to me when I walked in, slamming his hoof on my back.

"Hey, Uncle Tom! How are you?" I asked chuckling, as I took off my coat, hanging it on the rack. "I'm pretty good!" He replied chuckling as we watched the kids play, and the mares stood in the kitchen preparing dinner. I turned to uncle Tom, seeming interested in what's going on in the D.E.A, so I asked, "Hey Uncle Tom! Any uh, news in the D.E.A?". Right when I asked, I saw aunt Kyla stop what she was doing and slowly look up at me then just continued doing what she was doing slowly. "Oh, now that you mentioned it, there is some kind of rumor going around" uncle Tom said as he sat down on the dining table. I sat beside him as he pulled out 2 shot glasses and a bottle of Jack Apples, pouring some into the glasses. "Rumor is there is a dynamic duo in here in Equestria making drugs." I almost choked on the drink, Then I looked up at aunt Kyla, she was also staring at me while talking to Alice, seeming a bit worried.

I tried to act calm as I looked at him, "R-Really? Do you know anything about these, dynamic duos?" I asked while slowly taking a sip from my shot glass. "No, all I know is that they make any type of drugs, From meth to ice, to even marijuana, I mean jeez you gotta be a pro if you can make different kinds of drugs, am I right?" uncle Tom chuckled downing his shot glass as he poured me and himself another. "But whoever these guys are, We'll find them and put them in the slammer." "Hey Fred, I need your help with something." aunt Kyla said as she wiped her hoofs with a cloth and walked into the hallway.

I followed her into the hallway and she quickly spoke, seeming scared, "Our products, they made it. It's news all over Equestria, but now Tom knows. What are we gonna do?" Kyla was shaking a bit looking at me. "Relax aunt Kyla, this is good news, people love our products, and that means more money." "But it also means a death sentence for us once the D.E.A finds out!" She said, raising her voice a little. "Relax, the customers don't know our real name, Like you said your K.C I'm F.G were fine." I said trying to calm her down."Okay, okay you're right" She said calming down a little. "Hey is everything okay back there?" Alice called out. "Yes honey" I replied back as I walked back to uncle Tom and aunt Kyla went back to Alice.

"What did she need?" uncle Tom asked as he downed his shot pouring himself another."Oh, she just wanted me to get something on the bottom shelf." I said while sitting back down drinking my shot.

"Kids! Dinner!" Alice shouted as she and aunt Kyla put the food on the table. The kids came sitting down, aunt Kyla carrying little Alex and placed him on her lap making him eat. "You know Fred, the scumbags who make drugs and sell it, are nothing but low lives that have nothing better to do in their lives, don't you agree?". "Heh, yea" I chuckled a little slowly looking up and aunt Kyla as she cleared her throat."Oh right" uncle Tom said clearing his throat, "I got some bad news" uncle Tom continued to say. "Oh, what is it?" Alice said worriedly."Well," uncle Tom cleared his throat, "Your aunt Kyla, she has a growing tumor in her brain" he continues saying, hanging his head down. "Oh god, are you gonna be okay?!" Alice quickly turned to her looking sad. Aunt Kyla cleared her throat as she looked down while I was just looking at her, "Well, I have to go to radiation therapy tomorrow, the doctor says it'll slow down the growth, and If I'm lucky maybe stop it from growing.". "Yea" uncle Tom said looking down.

"When did you find out about the tumor?" I asked, seeming worried. "The day before yesterday," uncle Tom said. I was surprised, the day before yesterday was the same day aunt Kyla called me to the diner to discuss how to make money, why didn't she tell me about this?!. I was looking right at aunt Kyla, she was looking at me then quickly hung her head down. "I'm sorry to hear about this aunt Kyla If you need anything don't be afraid to call," I said as I took a bite of my food.

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