Chapter 10: The New Business Partner (Fred's Perspective)

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"Shit, I'm late again," I said to myself as I rushed into the lab, K.C was there finishing up the last batch of meth, she heard me coming in and looked at me angrily. "You're late again!" She said yelling, "You need to start coming in early because I'm heading back to work tomorrow!" She continued to say. "Well excuse me! At least you weren't the one that got pinned on the dining table by a fucking fat D.E.A agent!" I shouted walking down the spiral staircase. "Just be glad you didn't get caught!" She said slamming the cover of the mixer shut. "You know, you really can be a bitch, aunt Kyla," I said snarling a bit. She turned to me giving me a death look, "Call me that again, I dare you." She said as she placed the clipboard down by the weighing machine.

I was really pissed off at her, she always gets on my case when I'm late, I mean, I understand why, but she should understand now because I was just arrested by her own fucking husband! In front of my family! "I'm sorry, It just slipped out, but you gotta understand we were so close to getting caught!" I said walking over to her getting the clipboard." She was just staring at me, then she swung, smacking me right in the face, "Ow! What the actual fuck!" I said as I dropped the clipboard holding where I was slapped. "Never call me a bitch Fred! We may be partners, but I'm still your aunt!" She said, shouting into my face.

Ghastlee then walked in, looking down at us, "I need to see both of you at the diner, we have some business to discuss," He said as he looked at us, then walked back out. "Come on," aunt Kyla said as she walked up the staircase. "What about the batch and the weighing?" I asked, looking up at her, "We'll check it when we come back" She said as she continued up the stairs. I put the clipboard down and followed behind. "We'll take my car," aunt Kyla said. I nodded and followed her to the car, we got in and left.

"Fred, I know this is irrelevant, but do you know a mare named Lucy?" She asked as she drove unto the road. "No, why?" I asked confusedly. "Because some stallion thought I was Lucy, and asked if I was ready to have the time of my life," She said, shivering a little. Right when she said that, I laughed looking at her, "They thought you were a whore?!" I said while I continued to laugh. "A what?! I am no whore!" aunt Kyla yelled out, her expression changing. "Aunt Kyla, Lucy is a whore, she fucks anyone, as long as she gets paid", "I know what a whore is Fred!" She said cutting me off, "But I don't get how someone can confuse me with her, Do I even look like her? And how do you know she's a whore?" She looked at me still upset.

"Aunt, I'm an ex-mercenary remember? I know a lot of things, because of my mercenary friends, and you do look like her, expect her mane is black, and her eyes are different, her left eye is black, the other is blue, plus she looks more stupid than someone who uses a sink wash themself," I said chuckling a bit. "Mhm," aunt Kyla said, seeming like she didn't believe what I just said.

20 minutes later, we reached the diner, me and aunt Kyla got out of the car, and walked in, the place was empty looking like a ghost town. We saw Ghastlee sitting in the back with a mare, the exact same mare we were just talking about in the car. "Oh for fucksakes," I said looking at the mare. "She does look like me, you were right Fred." aunt Kyla said just looking. "Welp, good luck," I said to aunt Kyla placing a hoof on her shoulder as I turned around, then I heard Ghastlee's voice, "F.G and K.C! Glad you made it! come sit down," He said, inviting us over to sit with them. The mare turned around and smiled looking at us, or me? I couldn't tell, I was scared shitless.

"So you must be the 2 most amazing cooks," The mare said looking at us, her body was the exact same color as aunt Kyla, but as I said, her eyes were different and her mane was black and messy. "I'm lu-". "We know who you are." aunt Kyla said with a serious tone. She walked over and sat by Ghastlee, I followed behind her and stood next to the table. "Hey," Lucy said looking at me smiling, "You look familiar, are you one of my special customers?~"she asked while looking at me while licking her lips. "No," I said, giving her a disgusted look. "Let's get one thing straight here Lucy, We are here to discuss our business, not yours," I said as I grabbed a wooden chair pulling it over sitting at the edge of the table.

"Ohh, a stallion zhat likes things done, I zhink I'm going to like you a lot~," Lucy said winking at me. I felt like throwing up right there when I saw her wink, I don't get why stallions like her out of all whores, maybe because she's a German? "F.G, K.C. Lucy here wants to be apart of our business." Ghastlee said looking at us. "Well, It depends on the amount she wants," aunt Kyla said looking at Lucy." I want 3 pounds of meth, every week" Lucy said, fixing her messy mane. "3 pounds?" I said looking at her, "Why do you need 3 pounds?".

"Zhat's a good question, maybe if you let me have zhat di-", 'Okay you made your point!" I said cutting her off, "How much are you willing to pay for 3 pounds?" aunt Kyla asked looking at her. "$20,000," Lucy said smiling, still looking at me, "$20,000 dollars?" I said looking at aunt Kyla.

" $25,000, and we'll make it 4 pounds." Kyla said, fixing her glasses, "Maybe I'll even add F.G. into to pile" She said chuckling giving me an evil grin. "Oh, I wouldn't mind zhat~," Lucy said, biting her bottom lip looking at me. "Keep dreaming, I got better things to do than to fuck a whore like you," I said while giving her a dead stare. "Oh do you?~" She said, leaning closer to me.

"$25,000 it is," aunt Kyla said interrupting Lucy. "Also you might want to send F.G. to send the product to me," She said chuckling a bit. 'Why is that," aunt Kyla asked, just looking at her. "Well, I am a working mare, and zhe stallions might zhing your another, you know, but with how your partner looks, zhey might zhink he's going to join in, and you can if you want~," She said as she looked at me making those weird kissy lips. "Okay, we're done here." I said getting up, "I'll make your delivery next week, and no funny business, I will be armed." I said looking at Lucy. "Then it settled, Lucy is getting 4 pounds for $25,000," Ghastlee said, "Oh and both your payments will be sent to you tomorrow, I'll see you guys later," He said, as he walked into the diner's kitchen.

"Oh, F.G. can I speak to you, alone?~" Lucy said as she looked at aunt Kyla. I felt violated right when she asked me that, but something told me to listen to her, I looked at aunt Kyla as she nodded walking out of the diner. "I'm gonna be completely honest with you here, and you're zhe first person I'm telling this too," Lucy said still sitting down, I sat down on the opposite side and looked at her, "Tell me," I said sitting back crossing my hoofs.

"I wasn't like zhis before, I used to be a professor in a college, but zhen I got into debts, I lost my job, my house, zhis was zhe only way I knew how to make money," Lucy said, looking at me. "I heard about you Dr.Greyheart, in fact, your also a German correct?" My gut sank like a ship when she said that sentence, How the fuck does she know me, and that I'm also a german? I was just looking at her, thinking about getting up and leaving, but stupid me just sat there. "You aren't you, Fred Greyheart, the one who lost his medical license, and killed your own wife back in Stuttgart, Germany." "I don't know what you're trying to do, and if it's blackmail then you better shut up and leave, because you'll an ende tot sein (German for be dead in the end.)," I said, giving her a death stare.

She chuckled, leaning closer to me, "Zhis isn't gonna be a blackmail Fred, I know you're an ex-mercenary, and I need your help." She said staring right into my eyes with her different color eyes. "Next week when you make zhe delivery, zhe stallions zhat's going to be zhere, zhey're not customers, zhey work for somepony zhat wants me dead, and I need you to find out who sent zhem." She said as she moved her black mane from her face. "How do you know they're not horny customers?" I said looking at her still pissed off. "You really think my customers will come wearing bulletproof vests and carry weapons?" She said sarcastically.

I looked at Lucy, I then grabbed a napkin, and wrote down my phone number giving it to her, "Here, you call me if these guys come to you, or for the drug business,but not for your sex company, got it? And I'll look into these guys when I drop the products." I said looking at Lucy. Her ears perked up and she smiled, "Thank you, and if there's anything you need-", "No don't worry about it and don't tell anyone you know me, don't even mention my name, I go by F.G. in this business." I said, cutting her sentence off. I got up, and so did Lucy as she walked out of the diner, aunt Kyla walking back in, standing by the entrance looking at me, I looked back at aunt Kyla and sighed, walking past her and out the front door.

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