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The conversation between Audora and Daniel stopped as soon as Clarissa entered the dining once again. It made her feel as if she had interrupted something very important but Audora gave her a warm smile to ease her discomfort and confusion. Daniel groaned inaudibly as Audora stepped on his foot after a while, bringing him to order. He hadn't even agreed to whatever she was suggesting and she was already concluding. This was what he should avoid without hesitation but Audora wouldn't let him. Once again, he refused to budge. Audora's smile became pronounced when she stepped harder this time making him yelp.

Clarissa blinked in confusion. "Are you okay?"

"Sure. Sure, I'm fine." He replied before sighing in defeat. Walking over to her, he took her hand in his and walked out of the place. While she, stunned to the core, followed him leaving Audora to smile in success.


They continued the car ride in silence. After a while, she couldn't take it anymore. She was hoping he would at least say where they were headed or give her a reason for taking her away from home but it seemed as if he had no intention of doing either. She stole a glance at him but his attention was mainly on the road.

She sighed. "Are you going to tell me where we are going?"

He told her, "Relax, we're only going to visit my grandmother's grave. I don't know why my sister insisted that I take you along and really, I don't want to know but I would appreciate if you give me my space when we get there."

Oh, so that was what that scene was all about, now she understood. At least he wasn't asking for too much. All he was asking for was space, she could do that.

"That won't be a problem, I'll do just that."

He was already too upset with himself that he had forgotten their normal tradition to visit her yearly because he was too preoccupied with work.

As the aspiring CEO of JK groups, he has piles of files waiting to be attended and he couldn't spend anymore time wallowing on empty thoughts and allowing himself get distracted. He stole a look at her before looking back at the road.


It was sunset and the view from there was quite beautiful. She found a place to sit just before the water and she caught herself admiring the sky. She smiled to herself loving the view of that particular evening. Just sitting there and doing nothing got quite tiring and so, she let herself think away.

Sighing loudly, she wondered what her cousin would be doing. She should be having lots of fun with her lover now compared to her. This is karma taking turns on her. When she decided she needed a distraction from Daniel, she went ahead to date Nicholas, the guy that always wanted her attention. She thought she could forget about the moments she spent with Daniel but the result was quite unsettling.

Times like this made her remember every detail of it, the times her cousin stood him up. He wasn't the rude and bossy kind of person for his billionaire status, and that was why she fell so quickly. Thinking of it now, Clara ditching him so many times, could have been signs. Signs that she couldn't pull through with the marriage.

Here she was now, in a wedlock with the guy she was secretly crushing on, what does fate have in store for her? Her thoughts gradually drifted to Nicholas. She wondered how he would be feeling. She hadn't seen him for quite a while now. Had he given up on her and sorted a new life for himself? Maybe he already accepted the fact that she couldn't be his anymore.

She smiled when she realized she had been playing with her wedding ring unconsciously. She stared at the ring lovingly silently wishing that their relationship could be normal. She pulled it out and it slipped through her fingers and fell right into the water.

She cursed, "Shit! This cannot be happening to me why does it have to be the ring?!"

She panicked. What should she do?

She thought about it for a second before taking off her shoes and diving into the lake even though she knew that there was only but a slim chance of getting it back.

She combed her hair in frustration when she emerged all soaked, she cursed again.

"Rissa?" The tingles that erupted everytime he mentioned her name was something she couldn't comprehend. Forgetting that, he was there quicker than she expected and now, there was no better excuse for her clumsiness.

His eyes widened on seeing her in the lake when the heavens were already threatening to pour than rain.
He shrieked. "What in heavens name?!"

"I lost it, I lost my ring to the water. One minute it was in my hands and the neck it's in the water. I can't believe I let it slip."

"Get out of there, you're going to get a cold!" She was already shivering and so, she complied and got out of the water.

"You lost it, we'll get a new one, you shouldn't come down with a cold because of it."

It was worth it!

What made her put on a hopeful smile was that, he cared.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what you were going to think-"

"I left you for sometime and look at what you've done to yourself." He sighed before saying, "let's go home already."


"How cold are you?" He asked but mentally face palmed himself for asking such a question.

She replied still, "Very." She hugged herself hoping to rid herself of a little cold.

"Just wait a bit, we'll soon be there." He stole a glance at her hoping he could drive fast before she freezes to death but it was like today, luck just wasn't on their side. His eyes widened as the car slowed down until it came to a stop.

"What went wrong now?" He looked at her mentioning, "I'll be back, give me a minute."

She gripped his arm. "But it's cold out,"

"I'll be alright," he told her before walking out of the car.

Few minutes later he had come back completely drenched from the rain. "There's something wrong with the battery. Plus we have a flat tyre, I'll try and see if I can get Noah to come give us a lift." He said to her but she didn't even have the strength to alter a word of reply to him.

He just didn't know how to help. Right now, all he could do was assure her that she was going to be okay. She had taken off her wet clothing and wore only his white sleeve shirt which seemed to have impressively cover half of her thighs.

"I couldn't get any signal." When she sneezed he knew her cold was a bad one.

He thought for a moment just staring at her wouldn't help and so, he joined her at the backseat.

"What....what are you doing?" She asked as she watched him dry himself with a towel he always leaves at the back of the car. The towel she had used... but that didn't stop his shivering. At that moment, he was more concerned about her.

"I heard once, body heat works," she couldn't believe her ears. "You shouldn't mind because you're literally freezing and I can't let you freeze to death." He said to her gently placing her head on his chest.

Growing fond of his shirtless body, she snuggled closer enjoying the feel of his body on hers. If this was one of those 'once in a lifetime thing,' she should at least make the best of it.

He smelled her hair, rude, yet he was addicted already to the strawberry scent it carried. He had once thought about holding her, so this was how it felt.

so comfortable....

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