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The short Blondie stared nervously into the night. He dialed a phone number on the public telephone, tapping nervously as it rang. Immediately it was picked, he spoke.

"Hello, it's Tony."

"Did you do what I asked you to do?" The hoarse voice asked.

"Yes, I did. Now can...can I please have my son back?" Tony asked.

"Perfect. I hope no one found out about it?"

"No, they didn't find out. Please can I have him now?"

The laughter he heard over the phone gave him the chill. "You want him alive don't you?"

"I did what you asked me to do. Now give me back my son!"

"Answer the damn question?!" Tony mumbled a yes. "Come before midnight
If you're early, I can be generous."

Tony's grip on the telephone tightened as he held back his frustration. He hasn't been himself since his son became a victim.

His son,

Tony place the telephone back where it belonged. He couldn't hold his vulnerability anymore. He held his lips trying to hold back the sob but he only has began sobbing uncontrollably. His son was the only family he had left. Instead of his son, it was his wife that was six feet under the ground. If only his son had listened to him then he wouldn't have been in the wrong place and at the wrong time.

That man with a scar had a knife to his son's neck before Tony could get hold of him.

"Please I beg of you let him go." He remembered saying.

'Here's the number, call me when there's result."

The memory was traumatizing. He slid to the floor carefully, burying his hands in his hair in frustration.


"You said it's hers?" Daniel nodded grabbing the necklace almost immediately.

He remembered her wearing it once and that was the time she dare to kiss him and the first time he professed his love to her.

"Are you crazy about me like I am with you?"

He didn't know when he swallowed at the flashback.

"Let me have a look at it," Darius requested and Daniel gave it to him.

"It was cut, she must have ripped it off her neck.'

"Or he did." Daniel interfered but Gabriel shook his head.

"He wouldn't even want to leave a trace. If it was him, what is he trying to tell us, that he was here?"

"No," Darius added. "It doesn't sum up, she must have ripped it off, to let us know she was here." Darius concluded and they agreed.

"Where do we go from here?" Daniel asked but no one had an answer to that yet. The situation itself was confusing, all they knew was that her ex-boyfriend had her and they had to find her before he does something that would never be resolved.


Coming into view was an old ware house, almost in the middle of nowhere. The fire burnt continually, making a very familiar sound. The room was hot. That was what this woman noticed at first but to her, something wasn't right. She last remembered meeting up with that bastard.

She was the reason her son's wife was taken and all she wanted was to make things right but no, It didn't work out like she expected.

She last remembered walking to her car. She groaned. Why on Earth couldn't she remember?

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