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 "Gosh! What in heaven's name was I thinking?!" He scolded himself, taking some painkillers to ease his ache.

Staring back at her, he discovered that she was still very much fast asleep. He had achieved something yesterday. Since God knows when had he dreamt of kissing those lips of hers, wanting to know what they taste like. Still, he couldn't help but feel like he took advantage of her.

She stirred in her sleep finally. The room was bathed in morning light.  Squinting her eyes, she let out a yawn then, sat up.

"Here," she immediately turned to him. "Doesn't your head hurt?" She nodded and took the drug along with the water he gave to her. "You'll feel better in a while."

"Thank you Daniel." He nodded walking to place the cup on the night stand. "Em....When did we get home?"

"When? We've been home since 11pm yesterday,"

She said, "Oh, I'm sorry I clearly don't remember much."

"You don't remember having fun last night?" He asked.

"Fun? I remember half of what happened. I was with Henry last, how did I get home with you?"

"Last night is a night we should never talk about, ever again."

"What are you even on about? What happened last night Daniel?" She asked.

He sighed. "Nothing we should worry about because it sure won't happen again, I'll make sure of it. Besides, I might have liked the last night you even though you acted strangely," He frowned when he remembered her all over his high school friend. "Still, you in that state made me have the best night of my life."

She gasped in shock, checking herself to notice no item of her clothing gone. She didn't feel sore too. Weird, she thought and he put on a knowing smile. You know that smile when someone knows something that you don't know. Yes, that's the smile-annoying!


The lady admired her work with a smile on her face. It took her 3weeks to finish it and now she was done, it look perfect, exactly like him. His raven black hair enough to make her swoon over him again and again.

Art was something she had grown into. She loved it since she was a little girl and seeing any of her achievements made her happy. Lately, she found out something disturbing. She found out she put too much emotion in this particular art. A lot of it to make her actually question herself why, when she wasn't even sure she was going to be spending the rest of her life with him.



It was already Sunday, her favorite day of the week. She spent half of the day without Daniel's company. She spent the entire time he was out doing manicures and he wasn't back. It's been 4hours and some minutes now, even though he said he needed sometime to think, surely 4hours was a little too much.

She was already pacing around and worried when she shouldn't be. He would definitely come home safe.

Still, she missed him. Funny how it sounded in her mind but she didn't deny it. She missed his presence alot.

'Are you on your way home?' Her finger hovered around the send button. No harm could come out of it right?

Message sent!

Immediately, he replied. He fucking replied! She smiled to herself, She almost thought he wouldn't reply her.

'Why yes, I am on my way home, Shouldn't you be asleep?' He replied.

'I couldn't sleep,' She simply texted.

'You missed me?' He typed back wanting to know her reply. She felt her heart beat faster than it was supposed to. What should she reply? 'Of course I miss you I didn't.'

'Probably,' Her door clicked open immediately and she yelped dropping her phone on the bed on impulse.

"Why didn't you just tell me you were home already?" She asked when she composed herself.

"I'm home am I not?" He replied laying on the couch tiredly. She open her mouth to say something but stopped when the smell hit her nose,


"Have you been drinking?" She found herself asking standing unconsciously.

"Forget about me and get some sleep." His voice almost in a whisper.

"Are you alright?" She got no answer mainly because he was already fast asleep.



"Yes father," They were all seated at the dining table once again. The only difference was that Daniel's parents had returned from their trip and the table was full once again.

"You do have an idea on our new project, don't you?" Spoke Frederick.

"Well," she paused. She couldn't say no, she did actually know a few things anyways. "It's true but-"

"Good, because Audora filled me on some events going on in my absence. I actually heard that you've been helpful enough in the office and your ideas are superb." He smiled and Clarissa faked a smile but her confused expression didn't give her out, yet.

"Superb you say," Kara interrupted but she was ignored.

"And that is why I decided that you need a promotion already." Clarissa eyes darted to Audora who winked at her.

"Honey, don't you think we need to talk about it?" Mrs Thompson asked obviously surprised with the news. "Surely-"

"There is nothing important to talk about dear. I think she should be part of the board already and that can only mean she gets a promotion."

"How do you know she capable of it?"

"I think father's right," Darius answered. "She does need a promotion. She's proven herself to be hardworking. I support your decision father." He said and Frederick nodded.

"What do you say my dear?" Frederick asked and his wife fairly complied.

"That means more time with her then!" Audora whispered to Daniel swiftly before pretending like she hadn't said anything and Daniel scoffed.



Tables well polished, designed walls, the apartment was beautiful.

"Make yourself at home." Clara told her cousin with a smile plastered on her face.

"You had this amazing apartment and you never told anybody?" Clara's eyes got laced with guilt but it cleared so fast that one would have thought it was never there.

"This thinking spot well you can put it that way, forget about that come this way." Clara gestured as they went forward into another room.

"Wow!" Clarissa exclaimed. "You paint?"

"Yah, I do it in my free time." Clara told her and they both laughed.

"Is that a picture of Daniel?"

"Maybe, I did kind of draw him. Promise me you won't tell him."

"Okay, okay, I promise, but you owe me to keep my mouth shut."

"Yah," Clara shrugged. "He won't believe that I paint."

"So you kept it a secret from him, how cunning of you." She held her heart dramatically. "Well let me tell you a secret, I paint too."


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