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"Did you know you were pregnant?"


An honest answer, he wanted an honest answer?

Tears welled up in her eyes almost immediately as guilt welled up in her chest.

"Baby," He tried again but She released her hands from his hold all the while looking away. It was then he got the clue.

She knew!

"Tell me it's not-" he scoffed. "Why didn't you tell me? Was it not that important that you refuse to tell me?" When she did not answer, he cursed combing his hair in frustration before beginning to walk away.

"Daniel...Daniel please wait.... Please don't leave." He stopped. His legs ached to move back to her but he decided against it. She needed to know he was upset with her, very upset.

"It was important. I wouldn't dream of hiding such a thing from you but I didn't tell you because I didn't have the chance to after our fight. I just couldn't bring myself to tell you i just..I'm sorry." She added.

"Still, you should have told me. I love you Clarissa. We love each other, you shouldn't keep things this important from me." He told her.

"Forgive me," He hesitated but seeing the state she was, he gently walked to her to give her a hug.

Not only him was affected by the way things turned out. He also wondered how she would be handling things.

"It's alright, everything will be alright. Nothing like this will happen again. I'll make sure of that."

She wept on his shoulder not bothering to conceal her tears and he tightened his hold on her.


They were together at night beside a little eatery.

A clique, a little re-union.

Drinks and food were on the table.

"Who knew street food were the best?" Henry said.

"One more plate please," Austin ordered and the woman quickly went in to get him what he had requested.

"One plate of barbequed chicken on the way." The lady chimed.

Chicken and beer was the best relaxation pill for a night like this.

Clarissa whispered something to Daniel and he laughed and pecked her on the cheek.

She blushed in happiness. It was finally over she thought, hoping nothing should ever disrupt their happy ending.

Henry felt the laps of the person besides him and as if on impulse the lady slapped his hands away.

"Hey!" Becky yelled.

"Well what?"

"I'm warning you for the last time Henry prize, stop touching me!"

"C'mon sweetheart, you can't still be mad at me, I thought we talked about this."

"We didn't talk about anything, you just concluded!"

"That is talking!" He stated as a matter of fact.

"No it's not!"

"Well then I'll tell everyone that you're just mad at me because I deprived you sex for a week." He whispered to her.

On impulse, she spat out her drink and turned to him.

"I did that and not the other way around!"

"It's the same thing." He retorted only to their hearing and she cursed.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Hey everyone-" she was quick to cover his lips.

"Stop this rubbish Henry. It's not true, you know it's not." She told him pleadingly.

"So you forgive me?"

"This....this is blackmail!" She tried to whisper back.

"Thanks babe." He planted a kiss just besides her mouth and that was enough to shut her up. When he saw his achievement, he smirked to himself.


"Chill, chill everyone. I've a special announcement to make!" The circle grew silent.

"I'm getting married."

"You can't be serious!" Daniel said.

"Is it a man or a woman?" Henry tried and Austin glared at him.

"Really, I'm so happy for you. What's her name?" Clarissa asked.

"Leah, Leah Hart." He replied and Clarissa squealed. "Another wedding!"

"Let's make a toast," Daniel suggested and they all obliged and raised their cup. "To long life, to more love," when he said this he glanced at his wife who smiled back. "To more money and to our very dear friends wedlock-"

"And to fucking my girlfriends ass every Friday." Henry whispered to Becky.

And she echoed loudly. "Ew!"

"We toast!" And their cup clinged.


"Hey, babe can you get me an aspirin? My head is killing me!" Daniel called out. Clarissa tied her robe against her stomach before muttering a 'sure'.

"My head is killing me, can you hurry up?"

"I thought I told you not to drink too much!" Clarissa scolded.

"Yes Mom, I'll remember that next time." She rolled his eyes at him before handing the drug over to him.

After he swallowed, he stood up from the bed placing the cup on the night stand before walking into the dressing room.

"What are you doing now? You should be resting." He ignored her and she shook her head and trailed after him to her vanity table to put on some body spray.

And the next thing she knew, he was looking at her through the mirror.

"Hey what are you-" she wanted to turn but he made her stay just how she was. Sweeping her hair to the other side carefully, something cool met with her neck and she froze. Staring back at her was a beautiful simple necklace.

"Do you like it?" She could only nod afraid that she would not be able to express how she felt. He planted a kiss on her exposed shoulder and she shuddered at the gesture.

He smiled at her through the mirror before walking to the bed to resume his former position. She felt the necklace with her fingers admiring it. She smiled and walked back into their room.

"Tomorrow is going to be a nice morning, isn't it?"

"How should I know? Is not like i forecast the weather."

"That is why you should pack your bags i am going to show you how to."

"How to what? Forecast the weather?"

"Just pack your bags silly, we're going away from home for a long time."

"Well, where are you going? C'mon this time you have to tell me."

"Ok, we are going on our honeymoon."

Wait what?

Oh no, she definitely knew what that meant.

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