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Becky heaped the files on her table immediately after fetching them from her boss's office. Daniel was just on the phone with her a minute ago, telling her that he would work from home for the mean time. All she needed to do was to bring some important files he needed to attend to.

Her phone rang and she picked it, excusing herself from her table and walking to Hailey's table to say something to her. Hailey nodded in understanding and Becky walked away. Ending the call, she picked up her bag, swinging it over her shoulder and then she carried the files.

"Oh Good morning ma'am," The woman with a particular silky raven black hair turned to the receptionist and nodded before walking further.

The receptionist held back whatever she wanted to say. Surely there was no need to question her. After all, she was the wife of the CEO. The woman stopped walking when she saw a familiar face walk pass her to talk with the receptionist. Kara glanced at the files this lady placed besides her then back at Lady who signed off. She was quick to recognize her as Daniel's new Personal assistant. An idea immediately set in.

Becky picked up the files ready to leave. She turned, shrieking as she bumped into the same lady she thought she had walked past, files dropping to the floor.

"Oh my Gosh! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," Kara told her smiling up her her.

"I'm so-"

"I said it's alright." Becky drew in a breath as she recognized this woman quickly, Mrs. Thompson.

"What is you name?" Kara asked.

"I'm Becky ma'am,"

"No don't be formal, call me Kara." She told Becky.


"Calm down alright, we're going to find her." Audora told him.

"Where can she be Audora? For goodness sake why did I let her leave in the first place?"

"Daniel, it'll be alright. Darius and Gabriel are searching everywhere for her plus the news is everywhere Daniel, whoever kidnapped her can't hide for long." He sat on the couch, his hands buried in his hair.

Daniel found himself unable believe that he wife was no where to be found. It was his fault she went away, it was his fault that his wife was avoiding him and now she had gone missing. What wrong had she done to whoever had her captive? He didn't know her as someone that owed debt or looked for trouble. Maybe because she was his wife, the wife of a billionaire. If only he knew just who to ask.

Simeon escorted a lady into the building. Their heels clicked noisily as they made entrance into the sitting room. Only when the owner of those perfect heels stopped in front of them did they realize that they hadn't seen this face in quite a while.

"Who the fuck let her in?!" Daniel blurted out immediately he got out of his disturbing thoughts.


"Yes sir?" The taciturn servant replied, his words laced with fear and worry.

"Why did you let her in huh? When we said no one should be let in were you deaf the whole time?!"

Right now the whole family was staring at the scene like a movie. Daniel walked to stand in front of both of them.

"My apologies sir but she insisted that she might have a clue of where ma'am was sir and I knew that everyone had been worried."

He hesitated not even recognising his voice when he said, "Well you better have something important to say in the next 5 seconds. If not, I'll assure you, you'll get thrown out of this building before you know it!"

"I think you should relax a bit and hear what I have to say before thinking of profanities."

"Well then you'd better start talking, 5 seconds." With that he walked away from her further into the sitting room hoping to pass a signal that her presence only infuriated him the more.

"We haven't enough time Clara, we need to know what you know." Audora stated as a matter of fact but the red head didn't know how to get down to business.

"We haven't got all day, if you know anything stating it now will be a better thing to do." Darius said

"When I met you guys at the park," Daniel turned to her now curious to what she was about to say, "I was trying to warn you guys. I thought that I would be able to talk to you if you had given me a chance." This seem to get people's attention.

"What are you trying to say Clara? Did you know she was about to be kidnapped?" Audora asked.

"Not exactly, but I know Nick was-"

Daniel scoffed. "Who would have thought that he had actually let go." Daniel interrupted.

"If she has relevant information, we should pay good attention to her, maybe we can find her even before they request something in return." Darius pointed out.

Daniel sighed before looking away. "Alright,"

"Go on Clara," Darius resumed her speaking.

"Here," She handed them a book that had a pen in it. "That's Nick's diary, I found it awhile ago when I paid him a visit. It has everything that you need to know about his obsession with your wife Daniel."

"When I read the diary that was when I knew that Clarissa wasn't safe and then I came to you immediately."

"How are you sure he kidnapped her? It could be anybody else." Frederick asked. Darius flipped through the book reading some things.

"Yet, he was found around the area a little far from his home many times, reading this diary as you said that contain some insane stuffs can only mean that he is a major suspect." Darius concluded and only hoped he was very right.

Daniel combed his hair in frustration walking around further. He had been restive throughout the night taking his anger out at anything that gave him privilege to.

"How did you manage to get hold of this diary?" Darius signalled to the book that he had just finished flipping through.

She didn't know what to reply at first but she nevertheless told them.

"When I went to visit him the last time. He wouldn't pick up my calls and so when he did, we met and it was laying in his sitting room. He must have noticed that I took the diary already, either that or he's just being distracted." Clara finished.

Darius handed the book over to his partner. "Give this to Gabriel, place a want on Nicholas," he said to a cop on uniform. he asked Clara and she nodded. "Make sure to state whose request it is coming from."

With that the cop walked away but the environment still was a bit rowdy with cops around.

"This is a good start but we haven't have any clue where to look for her yet where could he have taken her to."

"I don't know where they might be but I think I might have an idea on something."

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