Thirty one..

499 21 1


Dear diary,

Everything will be how I ever wanted it soon. Every bit of my fantasies, every thoughts I've had. Her lips will finally be against mine after a long time. There would be nothing that'll pull us apart again and that's because we belong together.


She dropped the flowers at the grave right after cleaning the face of it.

"I finally came to see you," She knelt besides it. "I'm sorry I couldn't come see you before." Clarissa sniffed.

"Now I understand what you said Mia, I have yet to be accustomed to this whole love thing. I never told you this before, but I'm sorry for allowing Bane give me the gift first, it should have been you. Maybe if that happened you wouldn't have hated me so much."

Mia wasn't one to be negative. Although they were twins, they were the complete opposite. Everyone knew even if it was the most confusing love story, she would write it to the end like an Author that she was.

So, she would contradict that Clarissa was infact a novice at love. She always ever got the guy she wanted. Everyone wanted to date her in highschool. For hell sake, she was even friends with Jake Phillips, the school's hottest and richest bad boy. Everybody in school envied her.


"Mother?" Daniel called in surprise. "Come in,"

His mother obliged shutting the door behind her and they simultaneously. "Mother, what are you doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you urgently." Kara replied him and he frowned.

"Well what could be so important that we couldn't talk on the phone mom?"

"What I wanted to tell you couldn't be said on the phone that's why I came to see you personally." He watched her bring out a file and placed it in front of him.

"I wanted to talk to you about this."

"Well, what is it?" He said to her. Silently, as his eyes left her. He got engrossed in the document before him that he decided to take a look.


"Hey, you're back early." Audora said coming to give him a warm hug.

He smiled at her. "I was curious to how you were doing?"

"I'm just pregnant Darius nothing more," She rolled her eyes at him and he couldn't help but smile further. "Still, there's this technology called a phone."

"I know that but-" he wrapped his hand around her pulling her closer to him. "I was craving you in person." he said pecking her on the lips.

"That's not normal," she squinted her eyes in suspicion. "It's Tuesday, aren't you supposed to be surveying the area lieutenant?" She chuckled.

"And that I am doing. The only difference is, I'm multitasking." He freed her and walked to her vanity table where he kept some files.

"How so?" She asked in confusion.

"Peter and I are doing a routine check around here so I used that opportunity to see my darling wife." He walked to her and slightly pinched her nose playfully causing her to giggle before moving to the other corner of the room.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Work?" He said like it was obvious and she just shrugged and leaned back on the bed. He looked back at his wife who was no longer staring at him and thought.

Bumping into the same guy regularly was normal and coincidental but not when he recognized him to be the ex of Daniel's wife. When he remembered the circumstances that they ended their relationship, he realized it couldn't be just a coincidence.

Surely, there was more to it but he just didn't know what.


"You're incredible!" Daniel blurted out. "I cannot do what you ask of me."

"Think really well Daniel. How are you sure you love this girl? This feelings just can't be real."

"What I feel is none of your business mom. How dare you come here and just insist that I sign some fucking divorce papers?"

"Mind your language Daniel with me Isaiah! I am your mother and I know what is best for you." He stepped away from his chair and began pacing.

"Best, you know what is best for me? For goodness sake mom, I'm in love with her mother and I don't need anyone else in my life so I see no need for a divorce."

Silence lasted for more seconds than he expected.

"Fine, if you say so but you still need to check yourself very well. There's more to it that you don't know."

Her eyes were clearly one from desperation but he just couldn't see it. What could make her this afraid? If she didn't do this, they'll surely come for her. She already knew that they would.

When she finally left, he collapsed back into his chair with a sigh.


She walked to her car in a hurry, checking behind her as she walked quickly to her car. The fact that no one came here at this time made it very uncomfortable. She fidgeted with the keys of her car.

Just about then, her phone rang. Without pausing, she went ahead to fish it out of her purse, her hands shaking slightly. Unfortunately, she wasn't sure she got to pick up the call fast enough. All she remembered were her struggles, the strength of a masculine hand over her mouth.

...and the caller ID as her cousin.

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