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She tucked herself in bed right after checking the time. He wasn't back yet again, she was restless. Putting on the light once again, she sat up and combed her hair in frustration. She had tried calling him only to find out he had left his phone on the night stand. She didn't know why she was expecting more after yesterday. Maybe because she wanted more of those moments with him, she wanted much more. She pulled the covers over her body once again as she laid down to sleep.

She wondered where he had gone to and making her worried wasn't the best option. She didn't act too well when she was worried. He was moody when he came back for supper and asked for some time alone and then, this?

She jerked up when she heard the door click followed by shattering of -

'It couldn't be one of her favorite Italian expensive vase, please it shouldn't be.' she cried inwardly.

-then a groan.

"Daniel," she called when she heard him stagger.

"I'm alright, I just lost my balance."

"You're drunk again." she couldn't help but point out. She never expected him to come back home drunk.

"I'm not. See, I can walk on a straight line," He retorted before doing just that. He finally sat down on the floor with his back to the cushion finding solace in the silent atmosphere.

"I don't need to meddle-"

"Then don't." He cut her off immediately. She wished she hadn't spoken up but she hadn't lost the confidence she bottled up just yet.

"I can't help it. You left suddenly, you didn't eat dinner and you come home drunk?" She hesitated. "I've been worried."

"You didn't need to, I can take care of my self." He said, not immediately but certainly enough to bring back the silence of the night.

She turned in anger to go but halted.

"I know this isn't you that's why I'm worried, you haven't been yourself since last week." She forced herself not to sob and succeeded but there was concern laced in her words. She turned back to him and finished. "You have to tell me what's wrong. What's going on in your head? Is it about work or is it something personal? I want to help you." She finished.

"There's nothing wrong, just go to bed." He told her softly. He could tell that if he told her, she would be anything but happy. She'd be devastated, angry at him.

"You can't say that, it's 1am in the morning for goodness sake, you have work in 5hours."

"I've been thinking that's all, I just needed to clear my head." She nodded in defeat. He couldn't even trust her with his problems and that was a big deal to her. What could he possibly be this depressed about that he couldn't tell? She walked back to the bed and sat down still staring at him. How was she going to tell him that being this depressed affects her a lot? She could begin to lose the act this way.


Just as Daniel was about to key into his office, he delayed on overhearing a conversation.

"Who did you say it was that sent the flowers?" His wife asked and Daniel was forced to look back at them.

"Mr prize ma'am," Clarissa nodded. Taking the flowers from her, she took out the note immediately walking into her office nearby.

Daniel's hands tightened in a fist. Henry was going off the limits alright, he could only take but a little more. He entered his office making sure the slamming of his door echoed throughout the hallway.

His hands reached for his phone immediately dialing his dearest best friend who picked up immediately.

"What in heavens name do you think you are doing?" He tried to hold his anger but failed.

"Me? What do you mean?" Henry said acting oblivious.

"Don't play that game with me idiot, why did you send those flowers to her?"

"Oh that? Well what do you think, you don't seem to give her enough attention and I am doing just that." Henry told him with very hint of amusement laced within his voice.

"I swear to God-"

"We can talk when I get there, no need for tantrums on the phone." Henry continued.

"Don't even try to step your foot in here!" Daniel retorted.

"You should have said that earlier not when I am already in." His laughter followed before he hung up. He couldn't help but think of what Henry would be doing in his office. There was no meeting today. Henry was here to see his wife!

"That Bastard!" He slammed his phone on the table failing to cause harm to it.


"Daniel, such a coincidence I was just about to see you." Clarissa said as Daniel walked in.

"What's wrong?" She asked looking from him to the document in her hands.

"It's nothing. What were you going to show me?" He asked taking his seat and she sat across him afterwards.

"I've got someone who's interested in investing in this our project, I just wanted to-" She paused when she noticed he had his attention on the attractive and perfume infected flower right across them towards the wall. It laid on a table begging for attention.

"Nice flowers, is it a morning thing now?" He said turning his attention back to her.

"I don't understand," She paused and when he made no move to take his sight off the flowers she continued. "Henry sent them I was going to return them when he arrived." She frowned in confusion at the look he was now giving her.

"Did he tell you when he was going to arrive?" They stood, her after him but he walked to the flowers instead of waiting.

"I don't know, some minutes from now maybe. He did say he was already at the office, why?" He picked the flower and she raised a brow at the gesture.

"Is this what you do now, going about accepting flowers from my friends?"

"It isn't what you think," she hesitated. He walked to her making her shrink further into the office table, he smirked at the effect he was having on her. What he thought she felt, was undeniable. He was uncomfortably close, close enough to cause havoc.

"Oh, is that so? What do I think? That you consider my best friend a better person than me? Or that, I would scold you for being a cheat. No, I won't do that because I know you're not any of those. But you seem to forget the fact that," He trailed resuming suspense in his words. She shivered and swallowed at the close contact. His Cologne was admirably addictive and she couldn't help herself but take it as much as could with her ragged breath. His breath against her skin made him shiver uncomfortably.

"No one else has the right to send you flowers anymore because you belong to me!"

Though he had used this term before but hearing it again was like she was hearing it for the first time.

Her breath ceased-






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