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"Did you get the papers signed?"

"Look, I need more time." Kara told him.

"Much to your dismay, there isn't any left. I need the papers signed and brought to me as agreed Kara." With that, he hung up.

She sighed heavily. At first, he demanded a huge sum and now he wants something even bigger. Things weren't going as planned and she hated every bit of the moment. What was she going to do now? The greatest mistake she will make is to make her son to sign some papers when he was already devastated. At least, she couldn't let Jack know if she had the papers signed just yet. She had to make sure that he was willing to reach a compromise.

"Mom," the voice called out and she could froze.

Oh, shit-

She shouldn't have put the call on speak out.


Daniel combed his hair in frustration for the nth time. Holding tight in his hands the necklace that he would have given her if they hadn't fought.

The necklace was beautiful, she was going to love it.

He thought about her and how she was doing. He had gotten used to her perfume that he derived a tiny bit of comfort from it.

( Flashback)

"I love you Rissa,"

"I Love you too." She replied hugging him ever so tightly like she desired no gap in between them.


"Come back to me Rissa." He murmured to himself hoping she could hear the whispers of his voice.


Audora asked, "Who was on the phone? Why do you need more time? Is there something the family should know about?"

Her mother's grip tightened on the table she had unknowingly leaned on. She had no idea where to start. There was no way she would say Clarissa's kidnapping was her fault. The whole family would hate her for it. All she wanted was her son's happiness but it all back fired on her and now, things had gone out of her control.

"It's nothing you should stress yourself about, I have it under control."


"Is there any news on my daughter-in-law?" Audora's features changed to that of relief.

"That's what I came to tell you about mom. Darius seemed to have found her phone somehow. I think they have something, he refused to tell me yet."

"Oh, that's a relief. I hope she gets found soon." She sighed before sitting on the bed thinking of her next move. The sooner she settles Jack, the better it was for her or rather, for everyone.

Audora eyes stayed glued to her mother. Her mom wasn't one to love her daughter-in-law before and now she acts so worried. Though, situations can make someone develope weird feelings they never knew they had.

This could be a start of positive things, Audora thought, a smile climbing onto her face before turning to leave.


  Clara remember the first time she read Nick's journal. Nick was obsessed with her cousin. And she very well knew what obsession was like. There was no way Nick was going to let go at all.

She remembered Nick telling her that her relationship with him was just a mistake. She totally understood why he said that now. There was no way you can love another when you can't get over one person.

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