Not leaving

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Jin's fang caught his bottom lip, his teeth gleamed brightly. Wings beating in frustration, "I'm done playing around mutt." His expression held none of that sick glee. Sesshomaru swallowed he could feel a power swirling within the reptile.

His talons ran through his black strands. A new sword hung still at his side but he made no move to attack.

Instead he raised his left arm and opened his palm. His fingers making it seem he was holding an invisible ball.

A crackling energy appeared in his hand, hovering above his palm. "This new power I have been harvesting just for you courses through my veins."

His blue orbs flickered to Sesshomaru, he hid his anger well. Sesshomaru raised his blade, "I feel sorry for her."

Sesshomaru spoke, "why?"

Finally a smile cracked on his face, "she'll be losing you this time."

Without warning he threw the sphere that had formed. He was not quick enough to doge the overwhelming power.

It hit his chest directly, bright, blue trendils latched onto every bit of him it could hold. A searing pain of which Sesshomaru had never felt burnt his very flesh.

A scream bubbled from the back of his throat, "hnggh! Auggh!" The trendils of light made lacerations in his skin. While still holding him.

Blood pooled around his feet, he looked at one deep cut. It wasn't healing like it was supposed to.

Confusion racked his brain, " this?!" A growl of angusih erupted. Followed by a round of groans.

He'd never experienced anything so excruciating. "This power stops your healing factor, it will keep cutting and burning you. This is the perfect weapon to kill demons!"

Inuyasha wasn't here and Sesshomaru was glad he had made his brother protect Rin and Jaken.

This moment of weakness he wanted no one to see.

He fell to his knees, trembling as every nerve lit with a new kind of pain. "Ngg! Haaahh!" His suffering became more and more difficult to resist.

More of his blood dyed the green, grass red.

Was he going to die?


You sat on Kagomes bed pondering the amount of times she snuck glances at the shrine. "Why do you keep looking back?"

Kagome almost spilled the cups of tea she placed on her desk. "I'm just...worried."

"About what?"


The words that left your mouth caused her to pale. "What are you not  telling me?"

Kagome joined you on the bed, "I'm not supposed to say..."

Anger plagued your features, "do I look like I give a flying truck what you can and can't tell me!"

"No but-"

"Spill. I'm sick of secrets."

Her face showed defeat, "from what I learnt when Jin could see in my mind. I could also see in his, he has some power stored that is designed to kill powerful demons like Sesshomaru."

Even syllable that left her mouth made you break into a cold sweat. Your heart beating with adrenaline, "kill him."

She nodded.

You laughed and got a tissue to wipe your forehead. But the sweat didn't lessen. "You know Kagome..."


You clenched your fists, "he is such a selfish bastard! So I'm going to be the same!"

Seconds passed as she watched your (h/c) obscure her vision for a moment. Your legs touching the windowsill and fingers gripping the wall. It wasn't until your knees moved upwards did Kagome move.

But you already were falling midair to the ground. Determination blinding all your senses, you didn't even notice Greg. Eyes wide with confusion.

Kagome yelled your name from the house. Hand reaching for you body that had already hit the stone.

Why did it all feel like slow motion? But fast as well?

A blue world encased you stars twinkling around you. Your feet placed firmly on the soil. You looked at the same blue sky now stretching into a orange glow.

Kagome cursed profoundly, she turned too quickly and caused the two tea' s to fall and spill the creamy liquid onto the carpet.

She took no notice of it as she hurried to grab her bag and rushed down the stairs. Her family voiced concerns but she responded with a "can't talk!"

Out the door, but a hard yank made her stumble back. "Hey!" Kagome met Greg's stare.

"Let me go right now!"

"Where did she go!?"

"I don't have time for this Greg! She's in trouble! You shouldn't even be here!"

Kagome struggled to get free but his fingers held tight. She desperately looked at the well.

"Just answer me."

"To another time! She went to the past!"

"Now that can't be." He mumbled.

Kagome twisted and her foot landed on his face. He yelled and held his bleeding skin.

Kagome dashed to you.


Inuyasha tried to comfort Rin as she had been sulking for the past hour. Suddenly his ears picked up sounds of grunting and scuffling on wood.

He pried Rin from his waist, "who's there?" When he exited the hut he watched as you ran Godspeed towards the sounds of battle.


He went to stop you but his sleeve snagged on a branch. Making him topple over and temporarily dizzying him.

His ears heard the shouts of Kagome, "(Y/n) stop! STOP!" The pleading tone caused his stomach to churn.

You could still make out the noise was distant. You begged him to hold on. You weren't leaving.

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