Chapter 1 The Underground

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"Katie wake up you're going to be late!

Great another day of school, what's the point of going if I'm just going to get bullied about my soul color and how it works. Am I supposed to take the role of the human punching bag? It doesn't matter now. Recently I've heard the tragic tale of humans and monsters. I didn't believe it but apparently, kids have gone missing because of it. All I ever wanted was to disappear like those kids but I decided that I wasn't going to until I was ready. I got myself ready as usual, a pair of jeans and a sweater. As I left for school I saw and Stacy and her friends standing there talking with each other. That all changed as they noticed I was there, they came towards me and started the usuals. Here we go again. Just great.

"Ha! look at this loser she's useless she doesn't know her own power." 

"Can't you just leave me alone for once?! At least for a day would be nice."

"In your dreams idiot."

"Hey, Stacy why don't we teach her a lesson, for that little attitude of hers?"

"Ah, you always have the best ideas, Margo!" 

She proceeded to shove me on the wall and punched me square in the face. I started to whimper slightly because the cuts she made yesterday started to ache like sharp needles piercing through my skin. She kneed me in the stomach as I heard back a well-deserved scream. No one cared. They just walked past us. Not even giving it a closer look. Her words fogged my head, all I could hear was a faint ringing in my head. Then it hit me. The very thought that could lead me out of this place.

"Destroy her and run as fast as you can and don't turn back"

The thought wasn't my own, I knew that. It was the small ounce of motivation to make me do the deed. Then the crazed young woman looked deep into my brown eyes. The brown matched my dull hair nicely. That wouldn't last long.

"Your nothing but a waste of time Katie just disappear into mount ebbot no one would care if you're gone!" 

Suddenly I felt my eyes turned into a deep gold as and a scythe was placed into my hands and I didn't know what happened. It was like I blacked out for only a few seconds. I couldn't see what I was doing I wasn't in control anymore. There was absolutely no control. Once my sight was back I saw Stacy with her hands covered in her blood, sobbing because she couldn't see at all. Did I take her vision? I didn't know what to do so I did what the voice commanded me to do and ran out of the school with her friends behind me and a teacher as well. They eventually stopped as I hid in a cave they must have given up. I went deeper into the cave curiously. Out of nowhere I then tripped over a thick vine and fell deeper and deeper not a word came out of my mouth I was waiting for the sweet release of death. I blacked out for a moment and realized that I wasn't dead but how I thought the fall would kill me I was supposed to...right. I saw myself laying in a bed of golden flowers.

"So that's why I'm not dead yet."

I stood up and a room with a single golden flower in a light patch of grass.

" Howdy! I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!"

 I was kind of startled I didn't know flowers could talk down here but I didn't question it though.

"Hmmm. You're new to the underground aren't cha?" He began. "Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here. You must be hurt from the fall right?"

 "Yeah, I guess you can say that," I mumbled. 

"Well, I have to give you some LV." 

"What's LV?"

 "LV stands for LOVE of course! You want some LOVE don't you?"

 "No t-thanks Flowey I'm fine really." 

 "No no, I insist here take some." 

He proceeded to toss some pellets at me but I dodge them and tried to run away but I felt a vine around me and grabbed me as I screamed in terror as my hp hit one.

"Hehe, it's kill or be killed down here sweetie~"

 As the pellets grew closer my vision got blurred and all I could do was scream as a golden vision started to take over and I fell as one of the pellets hit me. As my vision went completely black as I saw a small fireball hit him and then I passed out. 

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