Chapter 22 Lights, Camera, Action!

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We left Alphys lab and I was glad to be back but I wanted to know what they did when I was asleep so I gave her the look.

"HEY! What's with that look!"

"Oh, nothing but how did it go for ya!"

"It went...fine." She said while blushing.

"MY SHIP STILL SAILS!!!" I shouted.

"Shut up!!!"


"UGH! You're lucky punk."

"I know."

"Anyway, why were you taking in your sleep?"

"Uhhh...w-what did I say hehe."

"Well you swore...a lot then an hour later you said somethings about chocolate nicknames like Choco? What was all of that about?"

"Oh... that I had a dream about traveling through Au's nothing much."

"Whats an Au?"

"It's an...Awesome Universe!" I said lying to her.

"Oh Alright then well other than that we chilled their half of the time."


"What's so funny!"

"Nothing it's just...when are you going to ask her out!"

"Oh! Get over here!"

"Gotta catch me first!"

I ran off to hear Undyne raging in the background, I pissed her off now. Spears were coming out of the ground from left and right I got hit by one but not many that's good. Before I got to Snowdin I was stopped by a row for spears and I was on the dead-end that I was supposed to fall down from but I was now trapped. I wanted to just reset and not say anything about that but some sick part of me wanted to find out what will happen in the end.

"Hahaha! I gotcha now punk."

"Haha no! No tickles!"

"Nope! I'm carrying you back!"

"I'm not a kid!"

"No, but you act like one!" 


"Alright now let's go."

_A day later_


"What~," She said in annoyance.

"I have a plan and its a good one."

"It better be what is it?"

"Well, you know how they need one more soul to break the barrier."

"Yeah what about it?" 

"...I want to free these kind monsters."

"That sounds like a good idea but how?"

"We can go to the king's castle and see if he'll let us pass."

"Alright then."

"Please don't tell the others the plans alright."


"Let's go!" 

Just like that I've convinced her to continue the journey to free all of the monster kind. I hope this goes well.

~~~Katie's POV~~~

Frisk seems too admit to doing this...' What if we get killed? Will we die while breaking the barrier?'  Those thoughts kept on intoxicating my mind it felt hypnotizing to believe the lies. We said goodbye to them and left the house.

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