Chapter 4 The Skeleton Bros

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I woke up quickly with sweat drenching from my body. I blinked as I looked frantically at my surroundings as I tried to calm down. I didn't recognize anything around me. I was laying on a light green couch with a blue blanket over me. There was a tv with a show I didn't recognize. I was laying on a couch which was to my surprise it's very comfy. I tried to remember what happened I left the ruins and my vision was blurred out of nowhere then I must have passed out and had a nightmare. With things figured out, I still don't know where I am. Someone's voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"HUMAN!" A loud voice came from the kitchen.

 Suddenly a tall skeleton came towards me and I saw a huge grin on his face. His smile was so genuine and not as scary as the one in my nightmare. His scarf blew from an unknown source of wind and he looked very concerned. Right beside him was the smaller and yet scarier skeleton. I stared at them with fear and scooted back. 

"P-please don't hurt m-me" I was on the verge of fearful tears as I grabbed my arm with a tough gasp on it. 

They looked surprised at me for begging for mercy. The taller skeleton looked at the smaller one. 

"SANS! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!" His voice was sharp and firm to the smaller one. 

"Bro I didn't do anything." He said calmly, 

I know he's lying he just not showing it. They suddenly came closer to me I was shaking as they closer to me as my breaths became sharper I backed up against a wall 


Well, they did save me from being an ice cube. I gave them a nervous grin.

"Don't worry about me really you guys just startled me that's all." 

Sans looked at me like I was lying. 

"Kid you really need to sit down."

 I felt a sharp pain through my right leg and there was blood dripping down with not one but two holes in my leg. 

"What happened to my leg?!"

Almost collapsing I managed to sit back down as Papyrus gave me something for the puncture wounds and went back to the kitchen to make his pasta. 

"Hey, kid, is your leg feeling better." 

"Yeah, it's feeling better sorry for the outburst I'm not like that I was just shocked." 

"It's fine kid do you have a name." 

Before I could say my name Papyrus ran back into the living room with a plate of pasta. 


"I guess the others are just IMPASTAS." 

I couldn't help but to smile and laugh at his pasta joke.


After laughing at Sans's pun I finally take a bite of his spaghetti and it was better than the food I had on the surface. 

"It's good Papyrus I like it."

 Papyrus looked at me with such joy in his eyes was it not supposed to be good?


 When I finished Sans went to Papyrus's room to read him a story while I was on the couch resting. When he went back downstairs and walked over to me. 

"Hey I'm going to grillbys wanna come?"

I shrugged my shoulders at his question.

 "Sure why not." 

My leg was about healed so I could walk comfortably.

 "Hey, I have a shortcut."

 He used some sort of magic to teleport us to the restaurant entrance then we walked in.    

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