Chapter 17 Relief

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~~~Katie's POV~~~

We stayed at Tori's house for a bit longer before we left, Sans swapped digits with her and I showed her how to do emoticons for the first time. On the way back Sans wanted to teach something called windings it's really an interesting language. I wonder how he's so used to it as much as English maybe he just knows both too well.

"Kid this is how you say hello in wingdings "☟✋" (I don't know if this means hi or not I had a translator do this.) Alright, now you try."

"Is it like this Sans? "☟✋" Yeah just like that I could teach you more when we get back to my place."

"I have a question."

"Yeah what is it kiddo?"

"How do you know wingdings like it's English."

"Well...Don't tell Paps or Frisk about this but our dad taught me when he was only a baby."

"What happened to him?"

"He...fell into one of his experiments and just like that he was gone without a trace and our mom died in the war between humans and monsters so basically I was left with Papyrus."

"Why don't you tell him about this."

"He was a toddler when it happened I don't think he remembers him much."

"Oh...I'm sorry for your losses."

"Yeah let's head back kid."


He taught me a couple more words until we got to the door. My mind went back and forth about how Sans and Papyrus's picture of their parents I wonder how he thinks of them or if he doesn't remember having any at all. We walked inside and frisk ran towards me and gave me a tight hug.


Everyone gave me a strange look I forgot about the wingdings and only Sans and maybe Papyrus might know it as well.

~~~Frisk's POV~~~

I heard the door open and saw Sans and Katie walking in, I ran towards her and gave her a hug but she did something strange.


She spoke in hands! I thought that only gaster could do that but how? All I could do is look at her in confusion and so did everyone else. Sans tapped her shoulder and whispered something to her. I let go of her soon after that happened.

~~~Katie's POV~~~

Sans tapped my shoulder and said:

"KId you're speaking in hands there."

"☞◆︎♍︎🙵✏︎(F*ck!), Sorry about that guy's it's just that...Languages have me messed up these days" 

"What did you say, Katie?"

"I meant to say, Frisk,heheh"

"It's fine Katie we all get those times, come on let's go sit down guys."

"Frisk you still haven't told me how that fire started young lady!"

"Oh yeah...Undyne and I were cooking and we heated the stove to high and it caught on fire."

"It's my fault really," Undyne said calmly

"Oh...Well at least you guys were not hurt or you two wouldn't hear the end of it!"

They both jumped when I told them that with my eyes blacked out completely. Whats happened to me over this past week? Before I could apologize another time they ran out of the room Frisk went to the kitchen to flee while Undyne was trying to find Papyrus.


"Wow, you really know how to spook someone kid."

"Y-yeah I guess I do...are they going to be okay Sans."

" Yeah, they will be fine wanna go outside for some fresh air."

"Yeah sure."

We were teleported outside once again to chat but most likely, to be honest when Frisk isn't around or anyone else.

~~~Frisk's POV~~~

"Oh...Well at least you guys were not hurt or you two wouldn't hear the end of it!"

I glared at her in shock that she said that was she really that stressed. Whatever she's doing it's scaring me and I think Undyne looks freaked out as well.

"GAHHHH!" I screamed


Before I knew it I was trying to hide somewhere. When I turned around she and Sans was gone while I was hiding inside of the cabinet. I've seen scary things down here but Katie's eyes went black and I saw a sparkle of gold was in her eyes. It reminded me of Chara after the Genocide Route. I could hear Undyne upstairs telling Papyrus what just went down and I thought I would never see her this scared.


"How am I supposed to Papyrus!"


"Wait! Where's Frisk. PUNK WHERE ARE YOU!!"

I hit my head on the roof of the cabinet I hurt like hell. They looked in the kitchen and Papyrus found me in the cabinet hiding.



"Get out of there punk I don't think Papyrus knows what we are talking about."

"Oh yeah...that."

I climbed out of the cabinet so we could explain what just happened five minutes ago.

~~~Katie's POV~~~

I place my hands into my face feeling like an idiot for doing that.

"I scared my own sister...ugh!!!"

"Kid it wasn't your fault you were just worried about them just calm down."

"but I almost hurt them!"

"Hey you must have been bone-tired and you didn't think about what you were saying."

"Hehe yeah, I guess your right."

"Besides they would just forget about it in couple of days anyways."

"Yeah, I just hope I didn't scare them too badly."

"Nah you're fine."

I'm going to separate the dialogue from the thoughts for now on in this story and when I use wingdings I will put what the character is saying...most of the time anyway have a good day or night!

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