Chapter 20 A Dream or Reality?

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~~~Frisk's POV~~~

After we left Undyne put me on her shoulders I guess so I wouldn't jump into the lava or something I guess. We got to the crossing from waterfall and hot lands and we stopped to see if anyone was at the sentry station and no one was there surprisingly Undyne called Alphys about the visit.

"Hey Al, are you there?"

"U-undyne! Y-yes I-I'm here."

"Well, are you busy today?"

"N-no...n-not r-really why d-did you a-ask?"

"Well I and Frisk wanted to stop by and watch some anime with you is that fine."


"Al? Are you still there?"

"Wha! Y-yes I-I'm s-still here, and I-it's f-fine I-I'll see y-you g-guys then."

"Alright see ya then."

She put her phone back in her pocket without dropping me.

"Punk are you sure about this?"

"Yeah, I'm sure about this!"

"If you say so."

We got to Alphy's house and Undyne nocked on the door enough so she could hear. I could hear her light footsteps come to the metal door as it opened we were greeted by her.

"OH! Y-you two c-came e-earlier t-than I thought p-please do come i-in."


We got inside and sat down on the floor I had an idea to get them alone and see what they would do if I was gone. So I thought up an excuse to leave them alone they dated in the past timelines so if I'm right this could go really well or terribly wrong this might take some resets if that happens. I thought about it for a few more minutes until I've thought of a plan without Mettaton getting in the way of everything.

"Hey guys I need the restroom I'll be back."

"Alright, punk don't keep us waiting."

"Ok then..."

I ran to what looked like a restroom and climbed through the roof into the insulation part and looked into the roof to see what they were talking about. It looked like Undyne was flirting with her. I climbed out of there and flushed the toilet and washed my hands so they wouldn't question me.

"You ready to watch some anime!"

"Yeah, sure what kind?"

 "W-well I wanted to c-continue Mew Mew Kissy Cutie i-if i-it's f-fine with y-you guys."

"Sure why not,"  I said bravely.

We got some covers and made a blanket fort out of it and we laid down and watched the anime. I started to think of the genocide runs and how Chara doesn't speak to me as much as she did before when she did she we caught up with our lives and to see what she was doing most of the time. She told me they're people outside of this world that did worse than I did or sounded like fun people to meet. She said that most of these people were from horror games though like Fnaf and how a guy killed multiple children for his own desire and was later killed due to a malfunction in a spring lock suit that he was hiding in. She also told me about the Doki's and how one character manipulated CODE and made her clubmates look terrible so she could have the player or Mc all to herself. She told me about Au's and a few more of her friends until she had to go. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I shut them and drifted off to sleep.

'Frisk wake up!'

'Undyne let me sleep for a few more-'

'Frisk calm down it's just me.'

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