Chapter 15 The fire

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~~~An hour earlier~~~Frisk's POV~~~

After we played some board games Papyrus brought Undyne forgot about their cooking lesson that she and Papyrus were supposed to have that day.

"PAPYRUS! I forgot about the cooking lesson we need to do it now!!"


"Well she could join to I don't care maybe she might not know how to cook so we should teach her how."


 When they said that Undyne brought me to the counter to cook pasta for some reason. I glared at the ingredients as she put them on the counter.

"Alight first envision these vegetables as your greatest enemy!"

I wanted to have peaceful revenge so instead of beating them to shreds I pet them to see what she would do.

"NO!! Frisk your supposed to beat them like this!!"

She proceeded to pound the tomatoes with her fists. I don't know why but I flinched whenever she did that. It reminded me a lot about... THEM. NO! I'm not going down that same road and I can't tell Katie of my power that is pulling on me like a grudge.

"We will clean this up later."

I couldn't help but notice that Papyrus was gone yet again I decided to just not worry about that now and not tell Undyne right now at least.

"Alright! next, you need to put the noodles in the pot."

Out of frustration and lack of effort, I threw the noodles into the pot including the box itself. She throws the box away probably questioning what is going on at this point she seems to enjoy the lesson so far seeing how ruthless I could. Had been holding back the anger for so long not wanting to give up. 

"The next thing is to stir the noodles, the more you stir it the better it is!" I nodded in agreement as she handed me the utensil to stir it with.

"Stir it harder!" she grunts.

I stir it somewhat harder so I wouldn't make another mess in her house. She keeps on saying to stir faster like she wanted my arm to fall off or something. When I couldn't go any harder she shoved me out of the way.

"Here is how you do it," she said as she took out her spear and started to hit the pot as it would do anything.

"Next we heat it up! Don't hold anything back!"

I feel like she wants me to light the house on fire! I begin to crank up the heat a small amount. 

"Ugh! Let me do it!" She began to turn it up all the way while the pot caught on fire "See! This is how you-"

She couldn't finish her sentence due to the flash of light that came through like a flash and I saw that almost everything was burnt out. I got up from the floor looking at now an angry Undyne and she looks like she REALLY wants to kill me now. All words escape me at the moment.

"Hey if you don't want to be friends that's fine."

I looked at her in confusion I don't want to abuse my RESET option and just try to avoid that entirely. Maybe that's how Katie fell down here first so I had another reason to fall down here. 

"You know why because if you're not my friend. IT MEANS I CAN DESTROY YOU WITHOUT REGRET!"

I'm actually no surprised that this happened I would have done the same thing in her place. She wants me to attack her? Oh well, I could at least give her an ounce of motivation to kill me or have a reason to stop with this nonsense and get out of the house before we turn into ashes. I tried to do a fake attack so I wouldn't dust her on accident but at the same time, I wasn't as strong like I used to be. The attack only took one damage after that Undyne dropped her spear and started monologuing for a minute or so. 

"Alright let's get the hell out of this flaming house."

We left the house and looked at the place one more time.

"Let's go to Papyrus's house to see what he's doing."

"Alright first I have to make a call I'll meet you there."

She left me alone as I was terrified that she would yell on the phone as she did when I tried to explain that dad threw his bottle of wine out the window and that I wanted to stay there for a bit until he cools down. I called her about it and she was worried as hell when I told her about it. 

"NO!, Katie, I'm fine we are heading to Papyrus's house for a bit ok."

 I could hear her sigh before she said, 

"Alright stay safe." 

"...Alright bye." 

Then I ran back to Papyrus's house trying to catch up with Undyne.

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