Chapter 26 Recovery

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_Gaster's POV_ 

Finally, she's asleep I thought those drugs would never work. I carefully reached out for her soul I parted it successfully without harming her but something was off with the half I parted. The half was turning black I wanted to do something about it but something told me that this was supposed to happen. I watched her face scrunch up from the vulnerability she was in. The black only consumed half of the soul and then a figure behind me fell onto the floor. I turned around quickly to see...

"👍︎☟︎✌︎☼︎✌︎✏︎✍︎✏︎✍︎✏︎(CHARA!?!?!)" I shouted in wingdings.

I picked up the child and rushed her to the other bed and placed her on it before checking her stats.


*Chara Dremurr 

*Hp: 10/?

I noticed that her stats were mostly a mystery but it's rare to see a child's soul like this. I realized that the black substance was HATE the flower said she had a strong HATE for humanity in general so that explained why her half was like that. I studied Frisk's soul once more before injecting something to help her soul still develop without problems. I took her off of the table bridal style to teleport to her room and made sure her door was locked so they wouldn't act suspicious about what I was doing no one knows what I was doing except for Alphys, Flowey, Sans, and Frisk. I placed her on her bed and draped the blanket on her I put the medicine and note on her side table and teleported away to see Chara one more and kept on studying her soul for what felt like hours until my eyesockets grew heavy so I soon gave into sleep...

_Frisk's POV_

I slowly stir awake I opened my eyes and noticed I was in my room again. I sat up in my bed and my head was throbbing in pain I felt a disturbance in my soul. I groaned in pain as it got worse I summoned my soul and realized that it was halved and it was glowing a dark red like it was trying to tell me something. I saw two bottles and a spoon. One was liquified and the other one that was in pills and with that a note.

'Greetings Frisk

If you noticed already that your soul was halved it was successful if its night right now drinks the medicine on the right if its day please take the pills on the left. This is important because you might feel a disturbance in your soul the meds will help you not feel it as harshly and it will increase your health to what it was before. Anyway if you want to know where I am I'm in the lab,

Sincerely, W.D Gaster.

I looked over to the night and opened the window to sense the crisp air fill my lungs. I closed the window soon after. I grabbed the bottle and spoon and carefully poured that content on the spoon and shoved the spoon into my mouth. I swallowed the content and held in a gag of disgust of how horrible it tasted. Once I was done I set the spoon back onto the table and grabbed a box from my top shelf and opened it. I grabbed the bottles and carefully put them in the box then closing it. I shoved the box under my bed so Tori won't question where I got it from. I got up and changed my clothes into my favorite hoddie overtop of my striped shirt and shorts. I went over to the door and opened it cautiously and left it open so I could go inside again without having to open it again. I was about to take my first step down until I felt heavy I looked at my soul and it was blue. I turned around to see the pun master himself...

"Heya kiddo," I heard him say.

"Sans!" I whisper yelled.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"D-down to t-the lab to see if it worked..."

"Oh...does this explains why half of your soul is gone?"


"Well, let's just take a short cut there then," he said while putting me down.

Just like that, he snapped his fingers and we teleported into the lab. The door was closed so he opened it to find Gaster and Chara sleeping. Gaster was sleeping at his desk while Chara was sleeping on a bed while magic wires stick to her probably to keep her half stable enough.

"It actually worked?"

"...I guess so maybe you should get your dad to bed."

"Yeah, I'll go do that." He said while teleporting away with his father.

I looked over to Chara I gave her a sad smile before pulling up a chair beside her as the beeping on the monitor (Idk what its called) still continued. I took her hand to intertwine with mine and rubbed her knuckles as I started to wonder how would she react to be back in the real world. I'd have to make sure that she wouldn't try anything to escape this world a second time. My thoughts were interrupted with a groan and a tugging on my arm.

"W-where?" I heard a hoarse voice say.

"W-wait let me get some water first," I said while getting bottled water.

She sat up in the bed as I gave her the water to drink.

"Am I r-really...alive a-again?" She questioned me.

"Well alive as you make it." I said with a smirk on my face.

She gave me a sad smile before she looked the other way.

"Can you still reset?"

My eyes widened at her statement I havn't even tried resetting ever since I started this route except when I died a couple of times at Toriel's place all I did was run from her as I did in Snowdin. Once I saw waterfall the rest was history.

"W-well...I h-havn't even tried I only saved when we saved Gaster so it might be corrupted."

"Try to do it."


"Just do it!"

"Ok, Ok..."

I got the screen up and I pressed it and it started to crack and break until hate surrounded it making it not accessable.

"Here happy?"

"Y-yeah...I'm glad that its broken now..."

Then came in Gaster carrying a sleeping Sans that he shook him awake and told him to get something to drink. 

"Oh hey you too is eveything alright?"

I looked at her and back at him.

"Everythings fine Doctor!"


(Have a great day~)

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