Chapter 24 Hope and Determination🤍

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We entered the room and saw the man himself, to be honest, he looked harmless he just looked lonely being there. I stayed in front of Frisk like I was willing to die for the child. I didn't want to take out my weapon too early or too late so I stood there waiting for him to notice us. He was humming a small tune to himself so he took a minute to realize we were there but he saw us in there with him.

"Dum de dum~ Oh! would you like a cup of tea? It sure is nice outside...birds are singing and flowers are blooming."

"Y-yeah...your f-flowers are s-sure nice..."

"Why thank you."

"Lets cut to the chase we came to fight you!"


"No, no it's fine really I saw this two want to go home correct?"



I heard a sudden change in her tone to fight or flight to light and wary...somethings doesn't feel right. Why is she acting so strange all of a sudden? That doesn't matter now I'm going to give them hope for a better future and give them a chance for once.

"Oh...well then follow me when you're ready."

I looked back at Frisk and she looked like she's seen a ghost. So I  tapped her shoulder and she looks at me with her fearful eyes.

"Hey, Frisk I promise you we will get our happy ending."

"What if-"

"Trust me about this one... Okay."

"If you say so..."

After that, I motioned her to stay behind me and we proceed to go follow him. We entered the room standing by a dimmed light and a long hallway without escape. 'We're officially screwed, folks!' I thought sarcastically. He turned around and looked at us with serious eyes.

"This is the of the only things keeping us from the surface. Unfortunately, I have to kill you for the sake of the people any last words?"

I gave him to WTF look before Frisk said...

"You better not lay a dirty paw on me or my sister you sorry excuse for a king...if you do you're going to get so fucked up from this fight even blood loss might happen so you better put your damn weapon down before that thought becomes REALITY!" Frisk said with her eye lights disappeared showing her dimmed bloody ones.

"...Frisk, are you doing alright?" I said in fear. 


"Was that a threat! I'll make sure I'll take both souls then!"

Before I knew it he got his weapon out and ready and swung it near our heads and I lifted my hands up and made a golden shield to protect us both. I looked at the now pissed off king and saw him getting hit by a fireball. I saw Toriel looking at us with her kind eyes and helped us up.

"Are you two doing alright?"

"Mom!" Frisk cheered and gave her a warm hug.

I just stood there while that happened until I saw Asgore once more. Instead of just leaving him there I cautiously went over to him and landed him a hand.


"Why are you helping me?" The dear king asked me.

"Well...I know that some people just need to be given a second chance sometimes and plus you looked blue there." I joked.

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