Chapter 3 The nightmare

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When I walked further into the hallway I saw Flowey. 

"Hehe, you think you're smart just by not killing anything but what would happen if you were a murder-driven monster what would you be like? Have fun while you can Katie."

 I just ignored him once he was done and walked off without a care. I opened the door and saw snow dropping from the cold sky they had. I was freezing cold but how was it so cold from the underground. My vision went clear to blurry and I fell to the ground and fell unconscious.





 I had a dream I was in the Last Corridor with dust all over me and a knife in hand I dropped the knife and walked forward and saw a short skeleton in a blue hoodie and a scarf around his neck. "

Let's get to the point." I felt my soul leaving my body. "It's a beautiful day outside...birds are are blooming on days like this kid's like you...S H O U L D  B E  B U R N I N G  I N  H E L L." 

He then threw me against the walls and pulling up bones from nowhere like it was his job to do that. I called for help but nobody came to help. 

"Frisk why aren't you fighting back.

" Frisk whos Frisk and why is he doing this."Sir who's Frisk?"

 He suddenly held me up without laying a finger on me and couldn't move and his eyesockets were blank and stared at me for a moment. 

"So your not Frisk huh." He said doubtfully. 

"Y-yes I'm not them I swear."He puts me down gently "Ok then I'll let you pass then not Frisk." 

He pulled me by the shirt collar and pushed me to the floor and got a sharp bone and pierced it through my fragile body as I began to scream in complete horror as tears and blood running down my face.

"Hehe, you're a bad liar Frisk. You know exactly what you did."

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