Chapter 16: Mistakes are always forgivable...

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"Mistakes are always forgivable,
If one has the courage to admit them."

"Okay! Okay! Let's take a break!" The girls scream in delight. The practice was intense and hard.

"Thank you!" The girls dramatically slumped their body on a floor, simultaneously.

Liquan went to get her water bottle for refreshment- just water.

"You're very good today." She accidentally choked on her drink. She coughs and pats her chest. She heard Ms. Mandy laughs.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to starle you." She shook her head.

"It's-" She coughs again. "I mean, it's fine." She clears her throat.

"As I said, you're really good today."

Liquan just hopes no one heard Ms. Mandy. She wouldn't want any trouble to come her way again.

"I had too." She sighed. Mandy nodded.

"Yeah. Seems like your pushing yourself too hard." She doesn't know if it was a kind of compliment or a mere statement. She thanked her nevertheless.

"You're the second person to actually pointed it out." She sat in the floor. Mandy followed her. It makes her uncomfortable. She started to fidget with her tumbler.

"Oh... am I making you uncomfortable?" Mandy asked, concerned.

"It's not specifically you per se. I'm just uncomfortable that others might see you talking to me."

Mandy could only nodded in agreement. It makes since. Jealousy is a person's nature.

"They wouldn't really think that we're talking about something personal. They may just think I'm giving you some pointers."

Liquan face becomes serious.

"I think it's the other way around." She responded.

Mandy sighed. This kid's so guarded. She knew it's not her nature to be like that. At first time she saw Liquan, hear her talk and giggle, she knew, she's someone who seemed to like talking and befriending people around her. Not like this, guarded and contemplative sort of gal.

"Do you want me to go away?" She carefully ask Liquan.

"I don't want to be rude, nor distant, nor cold and distrustful. I just really want to stay out of trouble. Please, take no offense. You're not a trouble for me, Ms. Mandy. But the way you get close and talk to me will surely gets me in trouble. I should go. Thanks for talking to me. Please, don't hate me."

Mandy watched her frantically move away from her and out of the room.

"Why would she even think I'll hate her. That kid. Tsk!" She got up and went to her chair.

Liquan made her way to the garden. She feels the cold breeze hitting her skin. Now, she felt bad for what she said to Ms. Mandy. She really wasn't planning on walking out. She's just embarrassed and scared that maybe Ms. Mandy could tell she's being defensive.

She promised her family she's never getting in trouble. She'll keep her promise.

"Ouch!" She frowns when she heard someone yelp. She looks behind the snow covered bushes and saw a girl kneeling on the snow.

"Oh my! Wait! Here let me help you." She runs to the girl and he's her stand. She puts her arm around her shoulder and lead their way to the bench.

"I'm not gonna ask you if you're okay. You're obviously not."

She sat her on the bench.

"L-Liquan?" The girl stuttered.

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