Chapter 24: Her painful night

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"Her painful night."

"Come on, guys! We have to rest! Stop it! Stop now!" Liquan and the twin laughed hardly. Jiao glares at them. Her hair was dishevelled so does the three. Liquan's polo's top button was opened. Jiaying almost got her short striped off her. And Liquan descried Jiayi's brassiere-- which she told the girl instantly.

Apparently, the four of them were pillow fighting. Jiao was getting all fed up since she becomes their target. She receives all the blows and couldn't retaliate. She couldn't retaliate so she started kicking them. Now they look messed up.

"What? You want pillow fights. We gave it to you. Now you say you want to rest?" Liquan giggled. She was enjoying their bonding time together. After a week of practicing, they'd got closer together. Liquan started to warm up again. She wasn't as guarded as she was.
She started to laugh-- no inhibitions.

"It's not pillow fight anymore! You guys are ambushing me! Look at me!" She dramatically screamed pointing her messed up hair. It look so much of a bird's nest.

"You started it!" Jiaying counter. "You want to play. Look where that led you. You've got no one to blame." Then the twin and Jiao started to bicker.

Liquan, she suddenly misses Changying. Jiao and Changying always banter- like they way Jiao and Jiaying were doing.

"I missed Changying." She sighed.

"You brute! How dare you pull my hair!" Jiao hits Jiaying using her pillow.

"You say I'm brute? Take this, you idiot!" Jiaying then started giving Jiao a few blows. Their pillow fights continued.

"I'mma shake it, shake it, shake it like it was my birthday! Take this bitches!" Jiayi began hitting the two. She sings and dances like idiot and hits them. Liquan distanced herself from the three-- afraid she'd get hit by her lunatics of a friends.

"Yi, what do you think you're doing?!" Jiaying shouts. Liquan couldn't stop laughing when she saw Jiayi wiggles her butt.

"What?! I'mma shake it, shake it, shake it like it was my birthday!" She sang again, shaking her butt.

"Guys, stop it now. We'll get scolded if we got heard." They stop.

"Ahh... I'm so tired. What was the term again?" Jiao asked Liquan,


"Yeah. I'm exhausted." The girls weren't as good in English as Liquan. They'd turn to her if they want to learn something. Jiao said, English makes her look 'classy'.

"Me too," Jiaying laid down beside her. "Me too," Of course, Jiayi always follow her twin.

"You know girls, you're names sound quite alike. Don't you think so?" She laid down beside Jiao- other side. Their upper halves were laying on Liquan's bed, foot on the floor. Liquan

"Yeah. Jia-o, Jia- ying, and Jia-yi. We have similar initial in romanticised spelling. Oh, and add Jia to the list too."

"I'm missing Changying." Liquan mentioned. Jiao mood perked up again and she's up in no time. She grins.

"There's only one solution to that!" She giddily said.

"We're not going to their room." Liquan dismissed her.

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