Chapter 2: His job

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"His job"

"Trainee, in the past couple of year, I have seen your hard work and dedication enable to succeed. Some of you has been away from home. I know all of you feel homesick. Some of you misses home, your family, friends, your comfy bed and probably a good sleep. Congratulations! Your training has come to an end."

The group of five young ladies, as this moment, wanted to scream in delight, but, decided against it. They bowed down and offer their gratitude.

"Your training is done, yes. However, success is yet to be determined." He said in monotonous voice. He exited the dance studio. Sweat on his forehead and back, he huffed.

"Mr. Lee, you have a call from CEO Chou." The man beside him handed the white towel and the phone.

"Ashley Lee from Yen Company speaking." He coldly answered. Walking along the long and bright hallway, his assistant followed him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Lee. My production team has come to a decision of releasing yet another group. The scout will be conducted starting tomorrow." The man on the other line with his raspy voice said. Ashley Lee frowns creating a furrow on his forehead. He signalled his assistant to get the car key on his bag.

"I've just finished my last batch of trainees. Would you not think, I too, needed rest?" He opened the backseat and mounted in.

"You know, I have always trusted your decision, Ley." CEO Chou reasoned.

"Send me the details, CEO Chou."


Yen Company, one of the China's entertainment company. It has vast popularity not because of its size, but of the number of artist that it has produced throughout the year from the moment it's built. It has a maximum fifty workers, too small compared to other entertainment company. However, it has 80% to 90% of successful rate of producing an artist.

Chou Company, one of the top 5 China's biggest entertainment company. Home of some well-known actors and actressess, models, dancers, and singers.

"Mr. Chan, to the company." Ashley said, and  gently massage his throbbing temple.

"Are you not going home, Mr. Lee?" Mr. Chan ask looking on the rear-view mirror.

"Not yet. CEO Chou will be sending the contract later. Don't worry, I have clothes inside the office." Mr. Chan nodded.

"Yes, I remembered."

It's past 4pm, when Ashley and Mr. Chou arrived. Mr. Chan parked the car in the company's underground car park. The two was greeted by the employees and production staff.

"Straight to my office."

"Yes, Mr. Lee."

The ride to the office was quite and peaceful, somewhat awkward for Chan. Ashley peacefully leaned against the elevator and Chan is scanning tablet, looking for any important things that he might have forgotten to tell.

"Mr. Lee, you have a meeting with the Chen Company tomorrow morning, 9am. Then you have another lunch meeting to Bao company. And lastly, you have one important event to attend to-"

"Mr. Chan, reschedule all of my appointment. I'll update you later."

"Okay, I understand."

The elevator opened after passing the 5ft floor of the building.

"I have an important discussion with CEO Chou. If anyone come, tell them to come back later. If anything important, I believed you can handle the situation."

Chan nodded. He has been working as Ashley's assistant for over 5 years now. He quite knows all the in and out of the company.

"Yes, I will."


Nightfall came, Ashley and Chan got inside the car. Ashley seated on the back. He closed his eyes, and leaned against the seat in a relaxed manner.

"Mr. Chan, move all of my appointments this week to next week."

Chan nodded. He expected such thing. Given the close relationship  of his boss to CEO Chou of Chou Entertainment Company, it's likely of him to favor the old man amongst all.

"Would you like me to put a day-off, Mr. Lee?" Ashley ponder for a moment before shaking his head no.

"Businessmen don't do day-off." He answered.

He remembered his grandfather telling him that exact word 10 years ago.

"Businessmen don't do day-off. They have a lot of people that depend on them. Day-off is what slacks do."

Then he remembered Mr. Chou.

"What a stressful old man." He scoffed.

"You're willing to spend this much money to scout artist from the countryside?" Ashley wondered after seeing the full details in PDF. A big sum of money will surely be spent if Mr. Chou wants to scout artist from countryside. Not only he wanted artist from different provinces, he also wants provinces that are far from Beijing. Not that he completely opposed to the idea, but he is practical.

"Yes, Ley. Don't you believed that there are things that are yet to be discovered? There are a lot of people that are yet to be discovered." Mr. Chou laughed wholeheartedly, as if he's joking.

"As long as you are willing. I'm ready to venture." Ashley secretly sighed. He watch the old man laughing. He always adored Mr. Chou for his unpretentious trait.

"I am more than willing. I have faith on you, Ley."

"Mr. Chan, be ready for a week of ventures. Tell Secretary Lin that he will be incharged  of the company for the days that we're out of Beijing."

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