Chapter 30: If you really want to, you would have had tried

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"If you really want to, you would have had tried."

"I hope you guys are enjoying." Mandy clapped her hands indicating the practice has ended.

The girls are pretty exhausted, given that the enterview ended nearly 11pm, and they woke up at 4am for another self introductions-- it's almost the same thing. They have short practice for group performance afterwards.

"I want food." Jiaying whispered as she sat in the floor beside her twin.

"It's too early for lunch. And, I'm not hungry." Jiayi replied.

"I think you last a whole day without food. I can not."

"That's because all you think about is food."

"That's correct. Your twin is glutton." Jiao took the liberty to sit beside them and butted in. That received a scoff and glare from Jiaying.

Apparently, the two hasn't talk the whole night.

"Don't speak to us, dumbass."

"I'm clearly not talking to you, but to your twin. Jiayi, aren't you tired of seeing the same face everyday? You look at the mirror and you see her face and when you see her face you see yourself-- that's quite compliment."

"How dare you?!" Jiaying snapped and hit Jiao's arm.


Jiayi shook her head and scooted over to Leona's side to avoid getting involved to her twin and Jiao heated argument.

"Hello," She shyly greeted Leona. She's been sad of Leona's distance and cold shoulder.

Leona looked at her and nodded with a timid smile.

"Hey, you there," She acknowledged. Jiayi nodded and hugged her legs closer to her body.

"I was hoping you'd talk to us."

"I was busy. I think you guys as well." Leona's tone was a bit distance and careful, it's not pleasing for Jiayi.

"If you really want to, you would have had tried, they say. I was hoping you were okay. We didn't know what happen and I thought you just decided to vanish." Leona clearly notice how Jiayi fidget with the hem of her shirt, she's nervous and uncomfortable. She didn't want anyone to feel anything or something like that around her, at least she didn't intend to.

"I'm fine, never better. How were you doing whilst I'm gone?" She averted the topic to Jiayi.

"Aside from practicing, rehearsing and training, nothing much. The girls still hang out in Changying's group dorm. We'd sometimes talk about you, where you possibly went to, what were you doing or maybe you already went home. I don't know, random things we'd usually do." She mumbled sadly. Her voice was cracking, and it's making Leona somehow guilty.

"I think you've really practiced well. You guys improved a lot." She complemented. She was trying to avoid being emotional at all cost.

"Thanks..." Jiayi trailed, she felt hopeless. Leona was avoiding talking about herself.

"Okay, guys! Let's go back to practice!" Leona abruptly stood. She held out her hand to Jiayi, offering a help.

"Thanks again." Leona nodded.

"You know what? Let's talk later, okay? Let's catch up. Maybe the four of us or even with the girls." Leona said succumbing to her will and longing for her friends.

"Really?!" Jiayi face lit up and she smiled brightly.

"Sure, sure. We all missed you. Great! That would be great." She jumpy and happily hug Leona.

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