Chapter 4

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All the idols who had performed were gathered in the open area, having some last minute casual conversations before leaving the premises.
The performances for the day had ended and it was time to leave.

The members of BTS and GOT7 were chatting animatedly; Jungkook and Yugyeom were laughing so hard at something, it sounded like they were sobbing.
Jimin however found it extremely hard to keep his attention on the conversation that he and Namjoon were having with Jackson.

His eyes kept straying towards a dark haired young lady in the corner of the room.
So yes, he definitely had a thing for Kang Seulgi. She was an year older than him but he found it hot. She was an amazing dancer and that's what had drawn him to her at first.

When Red Velvet had been introduced to them, he had already been a fan of hers. She had turned out to be really sweet and humble and he had managed to develop a casual friendship with her. They were still in the awkward stage. However his feelings for her were not exactly friendly at that moment.

He saw her leave the room and head into the corridor by herself and on a whim he quickly followed her, muttering that he needed to use the restroom.

She was walking down the corridor towards the girls restroom.

"Those shorts will be the death of me" he thought as she went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Having no other choice, he entered the male restroom and washed his hands for no reason. His plan was to accidentally bump into her , right when she came out.

He opened the door of the restroom and peeped out, watching the door of the female restroom.
"This is gonna look so wrong if someone comes here right now",he thought internally facepalming. But he was determined to talk to her and he was too shy to do it in front of everyone.

After a good five minutes, during which he stood there like an idiot peeping through the door, she finally came out.
Quickly coming out himself, Jimin moved in the same direction as her, pretending he didn't see her and walked right into her.

"Sorry! Sorry! " they both started but then she recognized him and let out a small laugh.

"Oh it's you! I'm so sorry , I swear I didn't see you at all. It's like you came out of nowhere! "

"No no it's totally my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going ", he said.
There was an awkward silence.

"Say something you moron!" a tiny voice in Jimin's head screeched.
"" he cleared his throat nervously, "your new album is amazing!"
She smiled sweetly. "Thanks but I think you guys blew it out of the park this time, Wings is incredible!"
"Really? You think so?" he blushed a little.
"Yes!", she said so enthusiastically it was hard to doubt her. "And oh my god your solo!! I love it!"
"Thanks" he said blushing even more and scratching the back of his head.
"Is there choreography for it?" she asked excitedly.
He thought it was cute to see her talking like that, it was almost like the tables had flipped.

He was happily about to answer when Taehyung walked in.
Feeling extremely annoyed Jimin turned his head and threw him the dirtiest look he could muster without her noticing. Seeing them Taehyung had stopped in his tracks and seeing Jimin's face he quickly started to walk back.
"Sorry actually I just remembered something " he said in a rather high pitched voice while walking away.

"Um...weren't you going to use the restroom?" Seulgi pointed out.
"No actually, wrong corridor..hehe.."
"This is the only corridor ", said Seulgi now looking amused.
This time Jimin actually facepalmed.

"You know I think it's time to leave anyway. We should get going " Jimin said, feeling like their 'moment' had already passed.

"Yeah.." she said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"But...wait.. " she said as he started walking in Taehyung's direction.
"Yeah?" he turned back to her, catching a glimpse of an almost running Taehyung who had taken the chance to quietly slip away, over her head.
He almost laughed out loud.

"Could you maybe...send me your choreography when you're done with it..?" she asked innocently.

"Oh ok, she's trying the puppy-eye thing on me"

"I swear I won't show it to anyone else, it's just that I like to practice choreographies to songs I like..."she was blabbering.
"Of course " he grinned, stopping her midway.
"Oh my god really?? Thank you so much!"
She clapped her hands excitedly like a child.
"I don't have your number though.."
"Oh right! Silly me. Here save it down.."

And that was how Park Jimin got Kang Seulgi's phone number.

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