Chapter 11

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It was almost the end of 2016 , almost time for the SBS Gayo Dejun and almost the end of their practise sessions for the collab stage.

He got down from the SUV which had given him transport from the Bighit building and headed to his last practice session with the other idols.

He was already tired from his practice sessions with his members but he didn't mind because this held the added bonus of getting to see Seulgi.

He scanned the audience, there was barely anyone that day. He guessed it was because everyone was too busy with last minute preparations as a few award shows would be held back to back in the coming days.

The previous week his friend Sungwoon had visited upon his invitation. He smiled to himself remembering what had transpired.

He found it extremely amusing that things had always been so awkward with Jeongyeon but they had immediately started insulting eachother the minute they started a proper conversation.

He had even told Taehyung about it.
She had called him bigheaded and he had been slightly offended at first. But  remembering the fact that he had ignited the whole thing in the first place, he got over it.

He had been rather impressed by the way she talked back to him, weird as it sounded.

But he feared it would be even more awkward between them now.

Most of the others had already arrived and he walked into the dressing rooms to get changed.

They had practised for more than two hours when their instructor finally announced the end of it.
Everyone cheered.
They all hugged and bowed at eachother, wishing eachother good luck for the next day.

He was walking to the dressing rooms with Taemin of Shinee when someone called his name.

"Jimin!" Seulgi said running towards them "can I have a minute?"

Taemin threw Jimin a smirk and made his way to the dressing rooms alone.

"What's up?"

"I feel like I'm still not doing some moves properly. Can you please come and practise with me..just for ten more minutes?" she pleaded, her eyes resembling bambi's.

He accepted her offer wholeheartedly and they walked to a secluded practice room, a little further away from the stage.

It was a typical dance studio with mirrors covering most of its wall space.

She showed him the moves she was having trouble with and he tried his best to perfect them. The whole process involved a lot of physical contact which Jimin didn't mind at all.

He had his hands on her hips as he guided her from behind and his warm breath tickled her neck making her shiver.

As they jumped to the next dance move, he shifted his position so that he was standing in front of her. This move included more intricate detail involving the movement of the hands and face, and he corrected her small mistakes, adjusting the position of her hands and neck.

The air felt tense to him, as he moved closer to her to change the posture of her shoulders.

There was barely three inches between them. He could even smell her shampoo as the top of her head only reached slightly above his chin.

Strawberry and Peach.

As if in a trance, he felt himself leaning down towards her. His hands gripped her shoulders. Her eyes widened at first but her eyelids stooped lower and lower as he got closer.

He could smell the peppermint on her breath and her lilac perfume mixed with sweat.

He felt his lips brush against hers....and THUD!

The sound made him jump several steps away from her.

They both stared at the door.

A few seconds passed and the door opened, revealing a staff member.
They stared at him, both looking flushed and irritated.

"Oh sorry! I didn't realise people were still here. I was just closing all the doors" he apologised, looking a little frightened.

"Don't worry about it. We were just doing some last minute practising " Jimin said quickly.

"You can close this up. We are done now" said Seulgi sounding flustered and they both walked out, leaving the man to do his job.

When they stepped outside, everyone was already leaving. There was an awkward silence as they wondered what to say.

"" he started clearing his throat, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

She nodded; "Yeah. See you".

They both stood there awkwardly for few seconds before walking away in opposite directions to their respective dressing rooms.

Jimin walked along the corridors of Bighit Entertainment before coming to a halt in front of Namjoon's small studio, which was wide open.

He peeped into see Taehyung sitting in a corner, while Namjoon sang along with Bruno Mars.

"Twenty-four carat magic in the AA-Aair!" his voice cracked hilariously at the high note but he resumed the song, completely unfazed, at a much lower pitch.

"Hey" said Jimin.

Both Namjoon and Taehyung looked up.

"Hey, how was practise?" inquired Namjoon.

"Practise was...great."

Taehyung stared at him for a moment and his eyes suddenly widened.

"You kissed her!" he said dramatically, pointing at him.

"I didn't even say anything about her."

"But I can tell!"

"Well did you?" asked Namjoon, no longer paying attention to Bruno Mars.

"Nope" said Jimin taking a seat, "I was going to but some random dude interrupted us."

He felt pretty salty about it.

"Oh" the other two said in unison.

"Did you atleast ask her out?"

Jimin stared them.

"You didn't??" Taehyung said in exasperation.

"It was too awkward!"

Jimin spent another good hour in the dingy room while Taehyung and Namjoon bombarded him with dating advice, even though neither of them had been in a proper relationship since their trainee days.

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