Chapter 31

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He watched through the glass as the buildings and people passed by in a colourful blur. Or rather...he passed by them.
He was sitting in the passenger's seat of Jin's car.
Jin had agreed to drive him to his first date with Jeongyeon.

He felt slightly embarrassed by the whole predicament but Jin had insisted on giving him a ride. He knew that Jin was probably getting a kick out of it.

Feeling slightly nauseous, he turned his head to look at Jin who was cheerfully 
humming the tune of their next title track while driving at an insane speed.

The sunlight illuminated his face,giving the appearance of a halo.

"Worldwide handsome indeed"

"Are you trying to kill us?" Jimin questioned, looking at the speedometer.

"Chill bro...don't you wanna get there early?" answered Jin cheerfully.

"Nope….waiting makes me anxious. I'd rather be right on time than super early"

"Right….that's why you are always late."

Jimin didn't have an answer since the accusation was mostly true but thankfully Rockstar by Past Malone started playing on the radio and they both started jamming to it.

They had now reached a quiet and exclusive part of the city. Here the streets were made of cobblestone and all the restaurants resembled cottages,adorned with colourful flowers. It really was a modern day replication of an old English countryside.

The car slowed down and stopped in front of a petite looking restaurant. It had a green roof shading the entrance and it's walls were made of red brick. An artsy decoration on the wall itself informed any passersby that the place was called "Crookshanks".

The streets were very much deserted apart from a handful of people. This was usually a popular area, however it was ten in the morning and early August. 
Jimin had timed it perfectly.
Nevertheless he took the precaution of wearing a long coat over his black shirt, paired with sunglasses and a baseball cap.

A gush of wind blew onto him as he got out of the car.
He bent down and peeped in through the open shutter after closing his door.

"Thanks for dropping me"

"No problem. Want me to come in and hold your hand?"

Jimin grimaced at that and hurriedly made his way towards the restaurant before Jin could embarrass him in public.
Unfortunately he wasn't quick enough.

"Behave yourself!" he heard Jin yell loudly  as he closed the restaurant door behind him with a reddened face.

After leaving his coat and cap at the entrance, he informed a young man at the counter about his reservation.
He was then lead to his allotted table, which was in a secluded corner with a nice view of the lake behind.

He sat down and immediately turned his head towards the lake.
Jimin watched the crystal blue water ripple, trying to calm his nerves.
He couldn't remember the last time he had been this nervous about a date.
He checked the time on his watch in agitation. 
Then threw a glance at the entrance door of which he had an obscured view of.
Still nothing.
He wondered if he should call her but then decided against it and went back to watching the lake.

Jimin didn't realise that he had been in a trance until he was yanked back into reality by the sound of someone clearing their throat.
His head whipped towards the sudden noise.
His eyes met with a pretty brunette girl who was smiling down at him, looking rather nervous.

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