Chapter 18

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She was looking out of the massive glass windows of the JYPE building which ran from the floor to the ceiling.

She could make out people walking around as small as ants and the vehicles on the road looked like toys.

She was on the floor just below the highest one.
It was quite secluded as the company hadn't found a specific purpose for it yet.

She had asked Mark to meet her there, and she walked back and fourth nervously as she thought of what she would say to him.

She didn't know how to say it to him without hurting his feelings.

"Mark you're a great guy but.."

Nope, too cliche.

"Mark I've been meaning to say this for some time but.."

No, that sounded like she had been leading him on all this time.

Thoughts swirled in her mind. She hadn't had the time to prepare for it.
She had just suddenly felt like she had to do it. It could no longer wait.
So she had asked him to come.

Jeongyeon made her way back towards the windows, trying to gather her thoughts while looking up at the blue skies.
Not even a cloud in sight.
She wished her mind was as clear as that.

She was so caught up in her own thoughts that she didn't realise his presence till she suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder.
She whirled around dramatically.
She could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"Sorry did I startle you?" he asked.

She threw him a look.

"Anyway...what did you wanna talk about?" he asked, casually leaning against a column.

She stared at him, realizing she still didn't know what to say.
She fidgeted nervously, her fingers unconsciously pulling down her tshirt.


He seemed to study her and she felt even more uncomfortable under his inquisitive gaze.

"I have something to say!" she announced out of nowhere.

"Yeah no shit Jeongyeon! You idiot!"
She cringed at herself.

He smiled. But it wasn't out of humour. A shadow of understanding crossed his face and he suddenly looked forlorn.

"I think I know what it is" he said simply, looking out the window.
She felt her heart drop. Why had she thought this could be painless?

She slowly walked over to him and he turned, looking directly into her eyes.
She forced herself to maintain the eye contact.
Then the words started to pour put of her.

"I honestly don't even know why..but it's not in the least bit your fault.
It's just this..." she paused struggling to find the correct words to convey her feelings.
"...doesn't feel right?" he completed.

She stared at him in surprise.

"Okay have you been developing the ability to read emotions or something?"

He smiled again.

"I've been getting that notion from you for some time now" he admitted.

Her mouth formed an O. She hadn't realized she had been so obvious.

"I really don't know what to say right now" she said honestly, studying his face.
"No it's ok, we agreed to try it out for 6 months. We did. Didn't really work out and that's fine"

She felt her heart grow warm for him.
Here she had just dumped him for no good reason but he was the one consoling her.

"Am I making a mistake?"

No, she had thought of it over and over again and she had always come to the same conclusion.

"I'm sorry" she said genuinely, her eyes begging him for forgiveness.

"Don't be" he smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

She felt her eyes starting to water.
"Why did he have to be so fucking nice??"

He leaned in towards her, his hands wrapping around her waist.
She responded by wrapping hers around his neck. She felt the material of his shirt tickle her face.
He was so warm and comforting.

They remained in that position for a few seconds before pulling away.

She blinked hard, forcing the tears away.

"I'll see you around " said Mark, softly looking down at her.

"Yeah " she nodded, smiling, "I hope you know how amazing you are."

This made him smile. He nodded and started to leave, before he suddenly turned back to face her.

"Tell him." he said.

She stared him, dumbfounded.


"Whoever it is you have on your mind. Tell him. He deserves to know."

She was at an absolute loss for words.

"Um..that's not.." she started babbling.

Mark laughed.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell me anything. But I know there's someone.
Just tell him."

And with that he turned around and walked away.

She was frozen on the spot in shock.

"How does he know??"

"WAIT!...what's there to know??"

She didn't have anyone else on her mind, did she??
She had never been this confused at herself.
Was she still thinking about...him?
She felt like Mark had just dumped a bucket of cold water on her head.

She walked back to her dorm room, where Momo, Nayeon and Tzuyu were waiting for her.
They seemed incredibly worried and repeatedly asked if she was ok and whether he had taken it well.

She answered their questions as reassuringly as possible and asked them to give her some space.

Once they all left rather unwillingly, she layed on the bed, her mind in a battle with itself.
Had it been so obvious that she was preoccupied, that even Mark had picked up on it...when she hadn't realized it herself?
Was she seriously still thinking about Jimin?
She buried her face in her pillow, letting out a frustrated groan.


He stared up at the starry skies through his open window.
It was almost midnight and both him and Hoseok were sleeping.

Well atleast that's what he was supposed to be doing.

But his mind felt heavy.

He hadn't even had time to process things with his busy schedule but the emotions surrounding what had happened with Seulgi seemed to flood his senses at that moment.

His thoughts travelled back to when he had last talked with her, how she had admitted to feeling the same way and how they had come to a consensual agreement to end their relationship while remaining friends.
It had hurt him more than he let on but it had also felt like the right thing to do.
He didn't regret it.
One thing was for sure, he would be focusing on his career from now on.
Till they got their shit together atleast.


🥳 Finally got rid of the ships no one ever wanted to read in a jeongmin fic 😀
Thanks for reading 😊

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